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How to Achieve Frontline Success by Avoiding Status-Quo Complacency 

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status quo frontline success

Frontline teams need mission-critical tools that automate their processes, improve effectiveness, help maintain team cohesion, and improve employee satisfaction. These tools are all part of Beekeeper’s Frontline Success Solution.

Every CEO says their business depends on their frontline workers but many of these frontline teams still depend on pen, paper, bulletin boards and in-person huddles to get work done.

Cris Grossmann, CEO, Beekeeper. 

Often our “competitors” are status-quo systems that don’t meet the real-world needs of frontline workers and managers. To keep your teams achieving their goals, don’t allow status-quo complacency to endanger frontline success! Office work has evolved tremendously in the last decade while frontline work has not. 

We know what’s possible because, in the last 10 years, our Frontline Success System has been used by over a million frontline workers and managers worldwide, by customers like Tyson, Cargill, Marriott, ABB, Hudson, Dominos Pizza, among others in manufacturing, construction, hospitality, retail, logistics, and more.

The Danger of Status-Quo Solutions

Frontline organizations often fail to address the tedious and repetitive nature of frontline work. They don’t digitize paper forms or automate tedious manual tasks. 

Frontline work is often filled with constant disruptions, and companies expect workers to simply deal with everything from broken equipment to sick employees, using phone calls, group texts, and lots of running around…

Cris Grossmann, CEO, Beekeeper

Real-world teams are diverse. Workers speak multiple languages and have different cultural perspectives. When information is shared in the corporate language or many languages, it can leave a large part of the team in the dark. That isn’t the right solution for the 21st century.

Status-Quo Complacency Defined

Organizations considering new systems and tools have a tendency or bias towards continuing to use existing systems, even if changing them has clear benefits. 

In these cases, we often see a bias toward thinking that tools designed for desk-bound office workers are equally effective for frontline teams, or that frontline workers already have the right tools.

When status-quo systems meet the requirements of office and knowledge workers and their senior leadership, there is an expectation that frontline workers either don’t need these systems, aren’t impacted by them, or can make do with them. Because of that companies resist adopting tools engineered specifically for frontliners.

The Disconnect Between HQ & Frontliners

Often “HQ” doesn’t fully understand the needs of their frontline teams. We call this “the great frontline disconnect” because our research shows that status-quo solutions negatively affect frontline teams by failing to meet the well-documented needs of frontline workers and team leaders.

The disconnect between frontliners and the companies they work for harms productivity and retention, while negatively impacting worker and manager morale.

Seven Warning Signs Your Organization Needs a Frontline Success System  

  1. High turnover rates
  2. Low employee engagement
  3. Paper-based forms/processes
  4. Status-quo complacency
  5. Issues with quality or satisfaction
  6. Struggling to attract and retain qualified candidates
  7. Lack of mobile 1st solutions

The Right Tools For The Right People!

Plan for Frontline Success to ensure that your frontline teams have the tools and resources they need to be successful. Because even though we live our lives on our mobile phones, and we are all hyper-connected, the front line is often left behind. 

Companies use status-quo tools that are unusable by the Frontline worker, an internet that can’t be accessed over mobile requests and approvals that still need to be processed manually, and communication in a language unfamiliar to some are not suitable to their surroundings…” Kees de Vos, Chief Product Officer, Beekeeper.

We know every organization wants to improve its operations and achieve team-level KPIs with goals to improve effectiveness, team cohesion, employee satisfaction, and engagement. 

Beekeeper makes it easy for teams to stay connected and work together and provides a range of tools and features that can help automate and improve operations.

The Benefits of Beekeeper

Beekeeper’s Frontline Success System offers a range of benefits that can help organizations improve their operations and achieve their goals. These benefits include improved effectiveness, better team cohesion, and increased employee satisfaction. 

Our frontline success tools support three key frontline needs: Employee Services, Communication & Collaboration, and Productivity

  1. Services that used to take days can happen in minutes: from PTO requests and shift changes to onboarding or offboarding processes 
  2. Cross-team collaboration can happen anytime and from anywhere 
  3. Critical processes to improve your frontline productivity can be automated

Employee Services

Extend existing HRIS systems so team members can access shifts, pay slips, & training all from one app on their mobile phones. 

  • Onboarding & Offboarding
  • Training
  • Pay Summaries
  • Shift Changes
  • PTO Requests

Communication & Collaboration

Think chats, streams, surveys, polls, and campaigns that close the loop with your frontline. Communication happens in real time.

  • Pulse Surveys
  • Daily Stand-up Briefings
  • Secure Group Messaging
  • Crisis Communications
  • Video Updates


Replace paper and manual processes with modern ways to get work done. Digitize daily tasks, checklists, and forms to prevent mistakes and save teams time. 

  • SOD / EOD Checklists
  • Preventative Maintenance
  • Health & Safety Checks
  • Housekeeping
  • Continuous Improvement

Seven Case Studies Demonstrating Our Frontline Success System

  1. How Concord Hotels Delivers Consistent Messaging Despite Language Barriers 
  2. How Wanzek Construction Generated 500+ Employee Referrals in 3 Months 
  3. Bridging The Frontline Communication Gap At Cargill
  4. Beekeeper is the best tool we have right now for our crisis communications 
  5. Hudson Connects 80+ Retail Locations with Beekeeper 
  6. Amsted Rail Fully Automated Daily Employee Health Checks
  7. Case Study: German Red Cross delivers a full range of benefits for mission-critical frontline teams that improve effectiveness, team cohesion, and employee satisfaction. 

With over a thousand satisfied customers and more than a million users worldwide, Beekeeper is the most trusted software for Frontline Success. 

Ready to overcome status-quo complacency and improve your operations? Start a free trial or schedule a demo today.

P.S. To see how a Frontline Success System can transform your organization by solving the great frontline disconnect, check out the keynote presentation from our 2022 Frontline Success Summit.