What Does Disconnect Cost Your Business?

Settling for “Business as usual” is costly and could be crushing your bottom line. Innovative frontline leaders are taking action to close the gap and fix frontline disconnect once and for all.

Status Quo is Expensive

Frontline disconnect is often the root cause of other business problems that drag down your bottom line. On average, a disconnected workforce costs businesses $8K per worker, every year.

While this seems high, this estimate is conservative when you add up costs stemming from frontline disconnect like

These sources of waste are staggaring and can make a real impact on the effectiveness of your workforce. It’s time to close the disconnect.

Operating Expenses incurred from Paper
Losses from

The Real Cost of Frontline Disconnect

Disconnect Causes Waste & Lost Revenue

Process Errors, Delays & Misses


Unplanned downtime and shutdowns impact operations and can lead to lost revenue. Inefficient labor & wasted time causes project delays, lost productivity, and increased risk of injuries.

Poor Experience & Disengaged Employees


It’s a fact that unhappy employees leave companies causing higher turnover, as well as increased hiring, onboarding, and training costs. Shifts are left unfilled and resources are maxed out.

Ineffective Collaboration & Communication


Thousands of dollars are spent on paper and data entry and expensive translation services may not cover enough languages leaving part of your workforce missing critical information.

Cost from Non-Compliance


The greater the risk to the safety and well-being of your workforce and operations, the potential for higher infractions and occurrences. Each action can carry hefty fines, penalties, and fees impacting the bottom line.

Find out now how much Frontline Disconnect is costing Your Business.