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5 Surprising Ways Mobile Technology Keeps the Workplace Safe

Mobile technology has changed many aspects of our daily lives, but you may not realize that it has actually made the workplace safer. We’ve written before how mobile communication can improve employee safety, but here are five surprising ways mobile technology can do the same in the workplace:

1. Track Occupational Illness

It can be difficult for companies to track occupational illnesses, specifically to track how the potentially dangerous aspects of the workplace affect their employees. Wearable technology is making that easier. Employees can wear these mobile devices on their arms and track their vitals as well as other conditions. That data may prove invaluable to employers down the road, and will contribute to creating a safer workplace.

In addition to helping track occupational illnesses, mobile technology can make the workplace safer by monitoring employees’ hours and activity. There’s even a device called SmartCap that can monitor brainwaves! It analyzes brain activity and alerts wearers who may be at risk of falling asleep on the job. While that particular technology may be too intrusive for some, there are many other ways mobile technology can prevent fatigue-related accidents.

3. Automate Messages

Now that nearly everyone carries their mobile device with them, automated calls and text messages are more effective than ever. Universities began implementing text warnings years ago. Students registered their phone numbers with the university’s system, and they would receive text updates for severe weather or other potentially dangerous situations. Similar systems can be put in place for businesses to keep their employees safe.

4. Track Location

Mobile technology has made it easier than ever to track employees. While this can useful in everyday business to track shipments and deliveries, it has the potential to be lifesaving in the event of a disaster. When tragedy strikes at a construction site or mine, employees who carry mobile devices with tracking can be found quicker and easier because their location (or last known location) is easily identified.

5. Enable Real-time Communication

Mobile technology allows employees to stay in constant contact with each other and with their superiors. They can ask questions, access training information, and report any incidents immediately. Even better, they can communicate with each other directly. With 74% of employees reporting they would welcome safety-related feedback from their peers, providing an easy way to do so makes the workplace safer for everyone.

Whether your business is a simple office space or a complex web of employees all over the world, mobile technology has the ability to reduce health risks in the workplace and make every job a safer one.

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