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How to Create a Successful Digital Workplace

There is a lot of talk about the “digital workplace,” which is the virtual equivalent to the physical workplace and encompasses all the technologies companies use to accomplish their goals. The digital workplace is an employee portal which includes operational systems like payroll, to core business applications like email and virtual meeting software.

To understand how to create an effective digital workplace, we must first explore the primary roadblocks. In this article, we’ve identified the major challenges facing workforces and how to address them by establishing guidelines to construct a successful digital workplace.

Lack of Security

The number one priority for any digital workplace must be security, yet only 38% of global organizations claim they’re prepared to handle a sophisticated cyberattack. As technology evolves, the ways your digital workplace can be hacked or infected with malware evolves along with it. You’ll need to establish a strong defense. Think proactive rather than reactive!

Only use systems that protect your data and privacy with security features like advanced firewall protection, best-in-class encryption, regular external security audits, and are compliant with the latest security standards such as ISO27001 or GDPR.

Human error is one of the most common reasons companies are vulnerable to cyberattacks. Arm your employees with knowledge to prevent them from happening. Worried your colleagues won’t take serious precautions when it comes to cybersecurity? Don’t fret—we’ve explained how to make your colleagues care about cybersecurity.

Distributed Workforces

Most workforces are distributed across many teams, departments, locations, and even continents, making communication challenging. An effective way to address this workforce management challenge is with real-time mobile communication. Mobile technology lets employers connect every colleague to each other and management, which helps balance control and trust across the organization.

Inefficient Employee Portals

Department heads are repeatedly asked the same questions since the process for finding relevant information isn’t always clearly defined or accessible. A HR employee’s job shouldn’t primarily be spent answering how many PTO days a colleague has left.

There are a few ways to combat these inefficiencies with emerging digital workplace technologies. The best way is to establish one central information hub that is intuitively categorized. This should be the place every employee looks before asking management questions. It must be easily searchable and accessible, regardless of the application, and ideally mobile so frontline workers also have 24/7 access.

If answers can’t easily be found in this central employee portal, chatbots are a great way to automate answers to frequently asked questions. For example, if colleagues want to know how many more PTO days they have, they can ask the chatbot who will then send an automated response. You can also use employee survey chatbots to gather feedback instantly about how to improve these data centers. Investments in AI save companies a significant amount of time and money that can be spent on other tasks.

Traditional Communication Methods Aren’t Engaging

Communication is generally informative rather than engaging. And, quite often, communication is only top-down so employees feel separated from management and other departments. Colleagues aren’t encouraged to take a collaborative approach when it comes to communication.

Implementing two-way messaging in your internal communication strategy is an effective way to overcome hierarchical boundaries and improve employee engagement and satisfaction. Open communication channels help everyone feel more involved with their team and believe in the company’s mission, which bleeds into the way they treat customers. And to test if your strategy is working, you can continually monitor engagement and identify any problem areas.

Technology Isn’t Intuitive

Current technology isn’t always user-friendly and there is way too much of it. The corporate landscape is cluttered with so many systems that operate differently and require separate login credentials that create a lot of unnecessary confusion.

The first place to start is adopting a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution to minimize starting destinations. This tool is the single portal for every company-wide system so employees get easy access without having to memorize numerous passwords. If you’re using a multitude of systems, you may consider consolidating them since many do the same things. The simpler the better.

Focus on programs with great usability to improve the workplace technology experience. Adopting easy-to-use systems will not only have enormous time-saving benefits, it will also save you money on training. If you want to take a step further in creating a better work environment for your team, consider implementing a custom branded platform to foster more brand awareness.

Fill out the form below to learn more about how a secure, customized employee portal can help optimize your digital workplace.