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White Paper: GDPR Assessment

Your 31-Point Assessment to Ensure GDPR Compliance

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was designed to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe to protect citizens’ personal data and stand on a united front regarding every organization’s approach to security. It has been enforced May 25, 2018 and any companies that aren’t compliant will face heavy fines up to 4% of annual global turnover or $20 million Euros, whichever is greater.

The GDPR doesn’t only affect companies in the EU. Any vendors and suppliers that work with countries in the EU must comply with the GDPR as well. Beekeeper’s Data Protection Officer outlined the necessary steps to make our employee communication platform GDPR compliant,  which can be applied to other organizations as well. You can even find our whole journey to GDPR compliance.

Now is the time to assess your GDPR compliance and see what extra steps your organization needs to take to meet the deadline. Start here with your own 31-point assessment.