Impacted by the sunsetting of Workplace by Meta?

Case Study: Globus

Beekeeper enables Globus to communicate efficiently and effectively by connecting all of its employees across departments and locations.

Globus is one of the most well-established department store brands in Switzerland. Across its thirteen stores, Globus employs nearly 3,000 people in all larger Swiss cities. In 2014, Globus conducted a company-wide survey, in which they identified significant challenges in their communications within their stores and between stores and headquarters. Employees were often insufficiently informed, disengaged and uninvested in the company. As a solution, the company introduced Beekeeper to simplify information exchange and improve company culture.

The case study will tell you how Beekeeper helped Globus to:

  • Improve communication between department stores
  • Simplify communications between stores and headquarters
  • Increase employee engagement