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Quiet Quitting, Rage Applying, and Hot Labor Summer | New Workplace Terms Dominating Headlines This Year

Cost of Disconnect eBook

Have you ever heard a workplace term and felt out of the loop? Like it’s a trend that you just missed the memo on?

We get it. It can be hard to keep up with workplace terms and trends these days. That’s why we’ve put together a list of workplace terms that are trending right now and what they mean.

1. Quiet Quitting

Quiet quitting is what happens when employees are mentally checked out, have lost motivation, and have become less productive without resigning or expressing their concerns. They may still be physically present and coming to work consistently, but they’re just not fully engaged or committed to their work.

Workers who quiet quit have usually been feeling undervalued, underappreciated, and disconnected at work for an extended period of time. Factors like limited growth opportunities, poor management, or a toxic work environment can all influence quiet quitting. 

2. Quiet Thriving

Quiet thriving describes employees who are flourishing in their work but so without drawing excessive attention or seeking recognition. These workers are highly engaged, motivated, and productive, but prefer to focus on their tasks rather than seeking external validation.

Quiet thrivers are usually self-motivated and driven by intrinsic factors like personal satisfaction, growth, and a sense of accomplishment. They often display dedication and consistently high performance, and they’re usually with the organization for a long time.

3. Rage Applying

Rage applying refers to the emotional state of those who submit numerous job applications out of frustration, anger, or desperation. It often happens during times of economic downturn or high unemployment rates, when individuals feel the need to cast a wide net in hopes of securing any job opportunity. It can also happen because employees feel stuck in their current job, and so they rage apply as an attempt to escape their situation.

Rage applying obviously isn’t the most effective approach to job seeking because it’s driven by negative emotions rather than thoughtful consideration of qualifications and fit. It can also lead to organizations receiving a high volume of applications that ultimately have to be disregarded or rejected.

4. Loud Quitting

Loud quitting happens when an employee leaves a job in a dramatic and attention-seeking manner. It usually involves expressing discontent or frustration loudly and often results in burning bridges with colleagues and employers. 

Loud quitting can be driven by frustration, burnout, or a sense of injustice within the workplace. It usually happens when an employee reaches a breaking point and feels the need to make a statement about how dissatisfied they are with their job or work environment.

5. Shift Shock

Shift shock refers to the disorientation and adjustment difficulties that happen when employees are assigned to a different shift schedule. The sudden change in schedule can disrupt one’s personal life and social activities, leading to feelings of isolation or difficulty in maintaining relationships.

Shift shock can be particularly problematic for workers in frontline industries that require round-the-clock operations like healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing. It can lead to sleep disturbances, fatigue, decreased productivity, and increased risk of accidents or errors.

6. Resenteeism


“I have a 5pm yoga class 🤷🏼‍♀️” sound familiar? I call this resenteeism — resentment towards work when in the process of healing your success wound and discovering who you are outside of work. This resentment is normal, but the key is to not stay there. It’s not healthy for you, not good for your employer or fair to your colleagues. You CAN and will find a role that feels good and empowering. The first step? Examine the unconscious beliefs you have about success and your worth. This is the first step to freedom. #resenteeism #healingera #upleveling #consciouswomen #purposefulliving

♬ som original – Misscorporate_

Resenteeism happens when employees resent coming to work and exhibit signs of disengagement and lack of motivation. They might frequently call in sick, arrive late, or leave early without valid reasons. This behavior can lead to decreased productivity, increased errors, and a decline in the quality of work.

The causes of resenteeism can vary and can include factors like toxic work culture, lack of recognition or rewards, high levels of stress, and poor management practices. 

7. Grumpy Stayers

“Grumpy stayers” are employees who have been with a company for a long time and have become disengaged, unmotivated, and generally unhappy in their roles. They are often resistant to change, stuck in their ways, and tend to resist new ideas and practices. They may be resistant to training or learning new skills, leading to a lack of growth and development within the organization. Their negative attitude can influence those around them and create a toxic work environment.

On a larger scale, grumpy stayers can hinder progress and innovation within the company they work for. Their unwillingness to adapt and embrace change can prevent the company from staying competitive and evolving with the industry.

8. Chaotic Working

Chaotic working refers to a disorganized and unpredictable work environment. It can result from a lack of structure, unclear expectations, and frequent changes in priorities. Employees in a chaotic working environment may struggle to stay focused, meet deadlines, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

In a chaotic working environment, there is often a constant sense of urgency and pressure, which leads to increased stress levels among employees. This can negatively impact productivity and job satisfaction, while the lack of clear direction and constant changes in priorities can lead to confusion and frustration among team members.

9. Hush Trips

Hush trips are off-site company retreats or team-building activities that are kept secret from employees until the last minute. These trips can include team-building exercises, workshops, and other recreational activities. They’re designed to break the routine and offer employees a chance to bond, relax, and rejuvenate.

Keeping the destination and activities a secret adds an element of adventure and anticipation for the participants. The purpose of hush trips is to foster team spirit, encourage creativity, and improve communication and collaboration among team members. Because they provide an opportunity for employees to step away from their daily responsibilities and connect with colleagues in a more relaxed and informal setting, hush trips can be a valuable tool for boosting morale and strengthening relationships.

10. Lazy Girl Jobs


Replying to @Destiny B.🦋 to answer all the most asked questions 😭🫶🏾 i promise im not a gatekeeper lmfao !!

♬ original sound – mari 🎀

Lazy girl jobs are positions, tasks or responsibilities that are perceived as being easy, low-effort, or requiring minimal skill or effort. This term is often used to describe certain roles or assignments that may be less demanding or less intellectually stimulating compared to other job functions.

Lazy girl jobs can include administrative tasks, data entry, filing, or other repetitive and routine activities and they’re typically associated with lower levels of responsibility that don’t require advanced qualifications or specialized knowledge. While this term may sound negative, it’s important to recognize that every role within an organization plays a crucial part in its overall success. These tasks may be less challenging, but they’re still necessary for the smooth operation of a business.

13. Loud Laborers

Loud laborers are workers who are tasked with physically demanding and noisy work, usually in fields like construction, manufacturing, or warehouse operations.

This term highlights the noise that’s often associated with these types of jobs due to the use of heavy machinery or equipment. But it can also suggest that the work requires a higher level of physical exertion and may involve repetitive or strenuous movements.

12. Bare Minimum Mondays

Bare Minimum Mondays” refers to the attitude or behavior of employees who do the bare minimum required to get through the workday on Mondays. It can point to a general willingness to put in minimum effort or perform the bare minimum tasks necessary to meet job requirements.

From an organizational standpoint, Bare Minimum Mondays can have a negative impact on productivity and overall team morale. It can create a culture of mediocrity and hinder the progress and achievement of organizational goals.

13. Overemployment

Overemployment describes a situation where an employee is overloaded with excessive amounts of work or responsibilities. It can also refer to a state where an employee is consistently working beyond their capacity, and experiencing burnout, stress, and a decline in productivity.

Overemployment can happen because of understaffing, poor time management/shift scheduling, unrealistic deadlines, or a lack of delegation. It can have negative consequences both for the employee and the organization as a whole. Employees may experience increased levels of stress, decreased job satisfaction, and a higher likelihood of making mistakes. This can lead to decreased productivity, lower morale, and high turnover rates within the organization.

14. Polywork

Polywork refers to the practice of working on multiple jobs, projects, or roles simultaneously. Polywork is often associated with the gig economy, freelancing, and remote work, as it allows individuals to leverage their skills and interests across various industries and organizations.

Polywork is a departure from the traditional notion of having a single full-time job and encourages individuals to explore multiple avenues for generating income. It’s a concept that recognizes the evolving nature of work and the increasing prevalence of people taking on diverse professional pursuits.

15. Boomerang Employee

Boomerang employees are those who leave a company only to return and work for the same company again. This has become increasingly common in today’s job market, as companies recognize the value of rehiring former employees.

Boomerang employees bring unique benefits to organizations. They’re already familiar with the culture, processes, and expectations, reducing onboarding time and costs. Boomerang employees often come back with fresh perspectives from their experiences outside the organization, which can be useful to drive innovation and growth. 

16. Hot Labor Summer

Hot Labor Summer describes a period of high demand for labor during the summer months. It’s often used in industries like tourism, hospitality, construction, and agriculture, where there is a seasonal increase in demand and activity.

During a Hot Labor Summer, companies often experience a surge in customer demand, leading to increased workload and a need for additional staff. Many organizations hire temporary or seasonal workers to meet this demand. These workers are typically hired on a short-term basis and may be students, individuals seeking part-time employment, or those looking for summer jobs.