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How Digital Internal Communications Align Casino Operations

Casinos are a unique segment of the hospitality world. They’re a combination of several industries rolled into one, including entertainment, dining, retail, and hotels. The diversity of offerings is what makes casinos a go-to travel destination. But the segmentation can also create a disjointed environment that can negatively impact employees and operations. A digital internal communications solution will align your workforce, refine operations, and create consistency.

The 24/7 tempo of a casino is exhilarating. Behind the scenes, it takes an army of frontline employees to keep that round-the-clock pace going. In the United States alone, there are 1.8 million casino workers. With new state laws supporting the expansion of the gaming industry, casinos are booming, with annual revenues topping $40.28 billion. To meet the needs of this growing demand, casinos need to have a digital internal communications platform like a team app that aligns employees and streamlines operations.

Bring Your Casino Operations Under One Digital Roof

Alignment needs to be a top priority of any business strategy, especially for hospitality organizations that rely on frontline employees. Casinos have the added complexity of multiple hierarchies and floor-based employees spread out among different sub-industries. This creates silos, erects barriers between departments, disrupts workflows, and slows operational functions.

A team app, like Beekeeper’s secure, mobile-first solution, facilitates a connection between every team member through a central hub regardless of location or department, creating unified communications. In short, a team app brings internal communications, and every employee, under one digital roof.

Align Employees through Culture, Values, and Vision

In a casino, frontline employees often feel like they work for separate hospitality companies. Use a team app to foster a sense of belonging to the organization by communicating your core values and vision to frontline employees to establish a shared culture. This will create brand consistency through unified communications for your external-facing teams.

Once you’ve established the core values that drive your business, employees will understand and buy into the mission. You’ll see an increased use of the internal communications platform through the powerful analytics dashboard Beekeeper is equipped with. Use the team app to reinforce your cultural foundation, and you’ll turn employees into stakeholders. They’ll weave the values and mission into the fabric of their work. They’ll be brand ambassadors for your casino when they engage with guests.

Information Alignment Delivers Better Customer Service

Valets, servers, porters, housekeepers, dealers, maintenance workers, floor managers, and the list goes on. Casinos are heavily staffed with a wide range of frontline employees, catering to guests’ every move. Use your team app to deliver content that will empower your workforce in their jobs.

Whether it’s a communication stream to a specific team of frontline employees about a VIP guest arrival, or company-wide messaging about a new policy, a team app allows you to align information to all of your employees so everyone is on the same page. Knowledge is power to your frontline employees, so give them the information they need to provide confident customer service.

Information delivery and alignment will also save your casino money. Gaps in communication, and miscommunication, cost companies $37 billion every year. A team app creates seamless internal communications with real-time connectivity. Beekeeper’s confirmation campaigns even ensures messages are delivered and read to eliminate miscommunication and the high price tag that comes with it.

Screenshot of Beekeeper Confirmation Campaign

Beekeeper has another internal communications feature designed for a highly-mobile workforce: digital signage. To complement their team app, digital signage placed in high-traffic areas provides an additional messaging stream to reach and align your frontline employees.

With Beekeeper managing their internal communications, Feather Falls Casino, Lodge & Brewing Co. aligns employees right from the start with onboarding through their team app. It’s also used for interactive collaboration, getting to know colleagues, corporate transparency, and information alignment.

This last element has been instrumental — even life saving — for the frontline employees of Feather Falls when the destructive Camp Fire raged through the region. Beekeeper was their only connection to internal communications and was a vital tool in distributing information to the workforce to ensure everyone’s safety.

When alignment is a targeted goal of your casino’s internal communications strategy, success is a sure bet.