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2024 Frontline Workforce Pulse Report | Bridging The Frontline Disconnect

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frontline survey 2024: 2024 Frontline Workforce Pulse Report | Bridging The Frontline Disconnect

Frontline workforces are the lifeblood of diverse industries, directly engaging with customers, ensuring operational smoothness, and contributing to business growth.  

Unlock the Secrets of Frontline Workforce Success in 2024. Download the Frontline Workforce Pulse Report 2024

But disconnection, discontent, and demotivation are driving frontline employees to leave their roles at an alarming rate. At Beekeeper, we conducted our third annual Frontline Workforce Survey in September 2023 and found several trends that indicate a decline in motivation and productivity among deskless workers.

Despite these challenges, corporate leaders can reverse this trend and cultivate a thriving workplace that attracts, retains, and develops frontline talent. Addressing the root causes of disengagement enables companies to build a resilient, motivated frontline workforce, vital for sustained business success.

The 2024 Global Frontline Trends Report by Beekeeper offers insights into the motivations and stressors across frontline industries. We want to better equip leaders with valuable knowledge to formulate strategies addressing challenges and foster engagement, productivity, and growth within their frontline operations.

Let’s look at two key insights from our frontline survey:

1. Disengaged Frontline Workers Are Changing Jobs In Record-Breaking Numbers

While fair pay is undoubtedly important, it’s not the only factor that influences whether workers choose to stay or leave. Frontline employees are seeking a friendly and safe work environment, meaningful engagement from their employers, recognition for their efforts, and opportunities for growth and advancement.

And yet, frontline workers often find themselves overworked, unhappy, and disconnected from the priorities of corporate headquarters. This demotivation and dissatisfaction have led many frontliners to leave, resulting in attrition rates as high as 35% to 50% in various industries. 

To address these concerns and retain valuable frontline talent, companies can take a holistic approach. It’s not enough to focus solely on compensation; employers must create a supportive and engaging workplace culture that meets the diverse needs of their frontline workforce

By providing a friendly and safe environment, acknowledging individual and team efforts, offering fulfilling jobs with growth potential, and leveraging technology to enhance their work processes, companies can cultivate a motivated and loyal frontline workforce that will contribute to their long-term success.

2. Productivity Dips When Motivators and Operational Issues Aren’t Addressed

The growing disconnect between frontline teams and managers is causing workers to feel that their concerns are being ignored, leading to decreased morale and productivity.

The top 3 roadblocks to frontline productivity are understaffed shifts (36%), lack of recognition (26%), and poor team communication (18%). 

Understaffing remains one of the top productivity killers for frontline workers. When there aren’t enough employees to handle the workload, frontline teams become overwhelmed and their efficiency suffers. A lack of recognition and poor team communication further demotivate workers, making them feel undervalued and unsupported in their roles.

There is a stark contrast between the concerns of frontline workers and the perceptions of HQ executives. While workers prioritize operational challenges such as understaffing and communication issues, executives focus on low morale, unclear goals, and a lack of training. This disconnect highlights the need for better communication and understanding between management and frontline teams.

The consequences of this disconnect are detrimental to organizational performance. When management fails to address the needs and concerns of workers, employees become disengaged and may seek employment elsewhere. This turnover can disrupt operations and lead to financial losses for the company.

To address these issues and improve productivity, employers must prioritize the needs of their frontline teams. Investing in employee engagement and productivity tools, such as Beekeeper, can help. Beekeeper provides a mobile-first platform that enables workers to communicate, collaborate, and develop their skills. It also streamlines communication and allows managers to track engagement and training completion rates.

By addressing motivators and operational issues, employers can create a work environment where employees feel valued and supported. This, in turn, leads to increased productivity and employee satisfaction.

Download the 2024 Global Frontline Workforce Pulse Report for a full list of insights and Beekeeper’s tips on solving frontline challenges.