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Beekeeper Employee App Product Release Notes March 2018

This month the Beekeeper Product Team is excited to share a multitude of brand new features and exciting improvements to the Beekeeper employee app.

Our March 2018 product release notes cover updates and additions that benefit team communication for your workplace, such as mobile content stream moderation, group messaging typing notifications, and chronological post ordering. We also worked on some major system architecture changes to accommodate the complexities of larger workforces.

March 2018 Employee App Highlights

  • Content Moderator Role (Web App) – Looking to distribute content management responsibilities without giving up too many security permissions?

The content moderator is a new role to manage stream content and monitor the moderation inbox. In a stream, content moderators can pin and unpin posts, schedule posts, and edit post labels. In the dashboard, they can access the stream analytics and the moderation inbox.

content moderator feature
  • Stream Admin Action on Mobile (Android, iOS) – We’re excited to share that the stream admin actions are now available on your mobile device. Click on a post or a comment from the mobile app to access the admin actions: pin it and unpin it, remove it, or disable comments. These admin actions are available to global admins, stream admins, and content moderators.
stream admin actions
  • Typing Notifications (Web App, Android, iOS) – Have you ever found yourself typing over a co-worker in a group messaging conversation? You have already moved onto the next topic, while a colleague is busy typing an in-depth response.

With the new typing notification functionality, your workforce can easily see who is typing during group messaging. Whether it’s one person or multiple people typing, typing notifications decrease redundancy and improve team communication.

typing notifications feature
  • Mark Chats as Unread (Web App, iOS, Android) – You can now mark your one-on-one or group messaging chats as unread, even after opening and reviewing them. From the Chat Inbox, view or select the chat and choose to archive or mark the chat as “unread.” Use this functionality to keep a to-do list of conversations you want to follow up on later.
mark chats as unread feature
  • Organization Management (Backend, Dashboard) – The scalability of our employee app for large enterprises is a priority for Beekeeper. That’s why we have been investing in building a new structure so you have the option to manage the units, locations, or teams independently. If you are interested in hearing more about our new enterprise infrastructure, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
  • Integration SDK (API, Developers’ Portal) – Our new integration SDK enables you to easily and effectively connect the Beekeeper employee app to your existing operational tools. The integration currently supports user synchronization.
  • Import Scalability (API) – In order to accommodate large enterprises, we improved our current user import capability to support large-scale imports.

More Capabilities


  • Inline language translation is now available in Polish


  • “Set as Avatar” feature that allows users to pick an image from the gallery and set it as their avatar directly
  • Context menu on chat messages through long-press (Message info, copy)
  • Files in Navigation extensions offer better UX for downloading and files open automatically after downloading
  • Group messaging details page updates in real time when added or removed as an admin
  • Screen stays on while video is playing
  • Inline language translation is now available in Polish
  • “Likes” on posts and comments show in chronological rather than alphabetical order for better employee engagement
  • Our number one goal is to make sure our customers are happy and using the Beekeeper employee app with their workforce to its full extent. If you would like to see a new feature, communication tool, or app integration added, contact your Customer Success Manager. For more information Beekeeper’s and specific features and use cases, check out our Help Center.

    Haven’t seen Beekeeper in action yet? Fill out the form below for a free demo.