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3 Ways to Keep Your Temporary Workers Engaged

Temporary workers are a growing segment of the labor force with the Bureau of Labor Statistics finding that the number of temp workers has risen to 2.87 million, representing 2 percent of the US workforce. When your company hires seasonally or during peak times, it can be difficult to onboard temporary workers and keep them on brand and engaged.

Retaining temporary employees’ engagement will make them happier, and having happier employees will give you a better talent pool to choose from for future employment. Here are three tips to help keep your temporary workers engaged.

1. State your Goals Clearly to Attain Temporary Workers’ Engagement

When you hire a temporary worker both parties know there is an end in sight. Setting short term achievable goals that provide some type of bonus or incentive is a great way to keep employees on target.

Keep the onboarding process simple and give your temporary employees a sense of accountability so they will be more likely to achieve their goals. Make sure your temp workers know why it is a positive situation that they are working at your company and how it will improve their ability to find future employment.

2. Show the Path to a Full Time Position

Companies like UPS and Amazon hire a huge number of seasonal workers every year. They have also used it as a way to find great talent and bring them on full time.

In 2013 Dave Clark, Amazon’s VP of worldwide operations and customer service said in a statement,

“So far this year, we have converted more than 7,000 temporary employees in the U.S. into full-time, regular roles and we’re looking forward to converting thousands more after this holiday season.

Show your temporary workers the path to a full time position if it is available, don’t make promises you can’t hold up to, but give them the idea that it is possible with good performance.

3. Make Them Part of the Team

Seasonal workers can often feel like outsiders that don’t belong, especially when they’re working next to full timers. When interviewed by Forbes, Matt Heller, consultant and author of The Myth of Employee Burnout had this to say about feelings of temporary workers,

“It’s also important to realize how recognition, in its most basic form, can have an impact. Specifically, in calling someone by name or remembering something about them. Recognizing them as a person and as a human being with thoughts, feelings, aspirations and fears allows you to make a connection with that person that builds trust and respect.

Offering the same perks and communication channels that full time employees get will help create a better environment and allow for emotional connections to be made between employees.

If you treat your temporary workers well and stay in touch, they will speak well of your company and more than likely be willing to come back for future job opportunities. Make sure to give references, and provide a resources to attain further employment. Acknowledge the value that each of you are providing and it will be a great relationship with positive outcomes.

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