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Better Sales, Low Turnover: Wireless Vision’s Recipe for Success

Frontline Trends Report

Starting in Bloomfield, Michigan, in 2004, Wireless Vision has grown into the largest T-Mobile retailer in the United States with over 780 locations in 30 states. The secret to the company’s success? A culture and set of values that put people first. 

Learn how Wireless Vision engages over 4,000 employees and boosts sales. 

But as Wireless Vision expanded, it needed a way to stay connected with every member of its growing workforce. The mobile retailer needed a mobile solution to reach its 4,000-strong field team. That’s when the company discovered Beekeeper, the mobile platform for frontline collaboration and productivity. 

Now, with a 95% Beekeeper adoption rate, Wireless Vision has a surefire way to scale operations and stay connected with its growing workforce.

Here are five ways that Wireless Vision leverages Beekeeper to build a workplace where communication is a key strategy for success.

1. Reduce Turnover

We’re in the midst of the Great Resignation which has added strain to frontline industries already plagued by a labor shortage. There are a million job openings in the retail industry alone. Employees are quitting in record numbers due to several reasons, like extreme burnout from the ongoing pandemic, a desire for greater flexibility, and, as McKinsey discovered, a desire to feel more connected to their workplace and be valued by their managers and the company. But so many companies don’t know how to bridge that disconnect.

The motto at Wireless Vision is “Passion for our People.” With a mostly millennial workforce, they wanted to bring communication to them. That meant leveraging a mobile-first solution. With Beekeeper, they build connections and partnerships throughout the organization. As a result, they’ve seen a jump in employee engagement and a year-over-year drop in turnover. 

“Celebrating and recognizing our employees is one of the things that we absolutely do best at WV. We love the ability to celebrate our employees through Beekeeper because we can celebrate them not only in their immediate department but we can celebrate them throughout our entire organization.”

– Yolanda Royall-Williams, Director of HR and Recruiting at Wireless Vision

2. Increase Sales

Like any retail operation, Wireless Vision is committed to boosting sales. But with a good part of their staff on the floor helping customers and not at a computer, it was hard to support them, especially spread out across 780 stores.

With Beekeeper, information is centralized in one hub and sales teams have immediate and direct access to all of the information they need to provide great customer service. With a single sign-on, sales teams can pull up information on the fly or use the streams, and chats to ask colleagues a question so they can help customers on the spot. 

Sales associates also have direct access to their sales productivity statistics so they know exactly what their numbers are and set personal sales goals. They can also alert colleagues of retail fraud to prevent losses. With the ability to communicate within a matter of seconds and faster speed to market, Wireless Vision field workers have increased sales across the organization. 

“Beekeeper enables us to give our sales people the confidence, information, and knowledge they need to help their customers as quickly as possible.”

– Erica Bechill, Assistant Commissions Manager at Wireless Vision

3. Streamline Technology and Leverage Analytics

All of the technology and tools employees need to navigate their day-to-day work can be overwhelming. Wireless Vision has leveraged Beekeeper to create a single hub to consolidate information and integrate different programs and software that employees can access with a single sign on. 

The company also uses Beekeeper’s real-time analytics dashboard to create communication strategies. At the corporate office, the administrative team can track employee interactions on the platform. They can see Gianna Marx, the company’s Internal Communications Manager, relies on the campaign feature to send out enterprise-wide messaging and see exactly who has and hasn’t read the message so she can target her follow-ups to specific employees. It helps her make data-driven decisions and create a clear communication strategy based on analytics.

“We use Beekeeper as our consolidated, one single connection tool for all of our employees. Prior to that it was unstructured and it was chaos.”

– Srinivas Janyavula, Vice President of Information technology at Wireless Vision

4. Build Company Culture

Not many companies know how to turn a people-first strategy into success. But at Wireless Vision, a commitment to employee happiness has delivered continued “growth and greatness.”


According to Gianna Marx, “With Beekeeper we’ve been able to create this My WV atmosphere where people really feel ownership in the work they’re doing and they’re really proud to share that.”

Beekeeper helps Wireless Vision build a strong company culture by creating a shared language among the 4,000+ field workers who use chats to connect with peers, share questions, post pictures, and foster healthy sales competitions with colleagues on the other coast. 

“As we’ve grown bigger and bigger it can be difficult to hang on to that family feel. But Beekeeper really allows us to maintain that culture even though everyone is geographically spread out.”

– Gianna Marx, Internal Communications Manager at Wireless Vision

5. Customer Success Built on Support

Rolling out a new technology to a nationwide team of 4,000 takes a good digital strategy and great support. With Beekeeper’s Customer Success Team, Wireless Vision had a partner in launching the platform. 

Before the nationwide roll out, Wireless Vision worked with their Customer Success partners to pilot several test markets and work out any issues before launching Beekeeper across the entire company. As a frontline-first organization, Wireless Vision was able to make sure the productivity solution worked for their field teams first. (Spoiler alert: it did!)

Beekeeper’s Customer Success team helped Wireless Vision build custom integrations for a customized “one-stop shop for everything a field employee needs.”