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HR Digital Transformation: Key Strategies

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HR Digital Transformation: Key Strategies

Did you know? Nearly 87% of business leaders believe that developing the right workplace model is crucial for their organization’s success. Yet, there is a striking gap with only 24% of leaders feeling prepared to embrace this change. 

The right digital workplace solution can save up to 12% of HR administrators’ time. Learn more about the ROI of the HR digital transformation.

Imagine cutting down the time spent on manual processes and instead focusing on what truly matters: Building a thriving workplace culture. Digital transformation isn’t just about technology, it’s about developing a strategy with solutions built for workforce automation, engagement, and monitoring analytics.

In this article, we’ll explore how digital transformation in HR can improve workforce satisfaction and position your business as a leader.

What is HR Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation in HR is about updating the way companies handle their human resources tasks with simple digital tools to make things quicker, more efficient, and better for everyone at work. It is at the top of the HR trends driving the future of the workplace. 

Here are the usual elements of this transformation:

  • Automation: Making routine tasks happen through software rather .
  • People Analytics: Understanding staff needs and performance through easy-to-read data that can become actionable insights.
  • Onboarding Software: Helping new employees start smoothly and quickly.
  • AI-Driven Recruiting: Smart ways to find and hire the right people.
  • On-Demand Training: Learning new skills whenever employees need them.

This means less paperwork and more efficient workplaces, better recruiting and hiring practices, and a digitally-supported HR department that has more bandwidth to focus on building a thriving workforce.

Digitization vs Digitalization vs Digital Transformation

There are a few different terms that are thrown around when talking about a company adopting more technology to support operations: digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation. But each is a step in how much a company leverages technology, from simply transferring data to a digital format to a complete overhaul to a digital business model.

💡Pro tip Feeling outpaced by the digital wave? Our article, The Rise of the Frontline Worker: Change Management in the Age of Frontline Digitalization, deep dives into the future of digitalization for deskless workers.
CriteriaDigitizationDigitalizationDigital Transformation
DefinitionConverting information from physical to digital format.Leveraging digital technologies to improve business processes.A holistic change in how a business operates using digital technologies.
FocusData conversionProcess improvementEntire business strategy
ExampleScanning paper resumes into digital files.Using software for applicant tracking or performance management.Reimagining HR strategy with digital culture, tools, and metrics.
Technologies UsedScanners, basic computer programs.HR software, cloud computing.AI, data analytics, machine learning, comprehensive digital platforms.
BenefitsReduces physical storage needs, easier data retrieval.Streamlines HR processes, improves efficiency and accuracy.Enhances decision-making, employee experience, and overall agility.
OutcomeDigital records of HR information.Improved HR operations and employee management.A transformed HR role that’s strategic, data-driven, and employee-centric.

Why Should You Start Digitalization For Your Business?

At its core, HR tech is meant to reduce costs, improve operations, and elevate employee experiences, all of which are becoming more important as companies compete for talent.

An HR digital transformation:

  • Streamlines HR processes and reduces time on routine tasks
  • Enables better strategies with comprehensive data analysis
  • Improves recruitment, onboarding, and employee engagement
  • Saves money by minimizing errors and reducing paper reliance
  • Adapts easily to business growth and changing needs
  • Keeps business ahead with the latest technological trends
  • Ensures accuracy and adherence to labor laws
  • Encourages a continuous cycle of improvement and new ideas

For example, people engagement platforms like Beekeeper can significantly benefit businesses looking to digitally transform their HR department. By providing tools for efficient communication, task management, and employee engagement, Beekeeper helps streamline operations and foster a more connected, productive workplace. 

And if you learn better with video, watch how Wireless Vision transformed workplace operations by digitizing  important materials that are instantly accessible right on the sales floor.

8 Steps to Take for HR Digital Transformation

The digital transformation human resources professionals want to achieve is well within reach by following some basic steps.

1. Assessment of Current HR Practices

This step allows you to take stock of where your HR function stands today and lay the groundwork for where you want to be tomorrow. Start by mapping out each step of your HR operations – from recruitment and onboarding to performance evaluations and exit procedures. Look for bottlenecks, inefficiencies and areas where employees or candidate experiences can be improved. This will help you with step 5, developing a road map for transformation.

In fact, part of your assessment should focus on the tools and software you currently employ. Are these solutions meeting your needs, or are they part of your problem. Identifying these gaps in your tech stack can help you realize which platforms you might need to integrate (more on selecting the right tools later!). 

2. Setting Clear Objectives

Clearly define the objectives and goals of the HR digital transformation initiative. Determine what the organization aims to achieve, such as improving efficiency, enhancing employee experience, or enabling better data-driven decision-making.

Specificity is key when setting these objectives. Vague goals lead to scattered efforts and diluted results. For example, instead of setting a broad objective like “improve recruitment,” aim for something more tangible like “reduce time-to-hire by 30% within the next year through automated screening and scheduling.” Then, track this objective over time to make sure you’re achieving goals.

Remember, setting objectives is not a one-time task. Regular reviews and adjustments can help your team respond to new challenges, technological changes and shifts in business strategy.

3.  Get Stakeholder Buy-In

Secure buy-in and support from key stakeholders, including top leadership, HR professionals, and other relevant departments. This is an important part of change management: when you secure support from stakeholders it leads to a seamless transformation and sets the stage for success.Start by understanding the perspectives, concerns and interests your stakeholders have regarding this shift in digital transformation.

For example, senior leaders will likely be focused on the return on investment and how the transformation aligns with broader business goals. At the same time, end-users may be concerned with usability and how the changes will affect their daily routine. If you’re introducing a new employee app to your frontline team, demonstrate how it will automate tasks and allow them to work more efficiently.

Involve stakeholders early and often. Soliciting their input during the planning stages can ensure that the final transformation plan reflects their needs and boosts their commitment to the project. 

4. Selecting the Right Tools and Technologies

When you research and evaluate HR technology solutions that align with your organization’s goals, you need to focus beyond automation to foster a connected, engaged and agile workforce. 

This may include integrated HR management systems, talent management software, employee engagement tools, and provide predictive insights and personalized experiences. And if you want a tool that offers all of these elements in one platform, consider Beekeeper.

Beekeeper is designed with employees in mind. It is simple to download and start using, ensuring high adoption rates from the start. For your HR team, an analytics dashboard allows them to track engagement in real time and adjust strategies that ensure every employee is active on Beekeeper.

A screenshot of Beekeeper's reporting and analytics dashboard

Beekeeper’s reporting and analytics dashboard helps monitor everything on-the-go boosting your company’s shift to HR digital transformation

Beekeeper aligns with core aspects of your HR digital transformation through: 

Plus Beekeeper is mobile friendly (available on Apple store and Google Play), so all features are accessible on the go and can reach every employee at the same time on any device.

5. Developing a Strategy and Roadmap

Create a detailed roadmap that outlines the implementation plan, milestones, and timelines. Like any other business strategy, having a plan helps guide the direction, target the stakeholders, and ensure success. Prioritize the order of implementation based on the criticality and impact of different HR processes. Break down the transformation into manageable phases for a smoother transition. Identify and track key performance indicators (KPIs) that will demonstrate success of the transformation.

6. Training and Change Management

Develop a robust change management plan that includes employee training and communication strategies for a smooth transition. Prepare employees for the changes, address any concerns, and provide training on new digital tools. Implementing digital adoption platforms can greatly facilitate this process by guiding users through the new technology. Ensuring that employees are comfortable with the technology is crucial for successful adoption. This is especially true in frontline organizations that have long relied on manual processes and are introducing mobile-first tools to employees who have always had paper shift schedules and pay stubs.

Having a change management plan ensures business continuity. By training employees ahead of time, the transition will be smooth and will limit disruptions in productivity, which ultimately ensures the customer experience is not impacted.

7. Implementation and Integration

When you’re ready to begin the transformation process, you might wonder what to do with your legacy systems and software (like ADP) that handle all of your different HR data. The good news is Beekeeper offers a marketplace with a wide integration selection, including Microsoft Teams, Workday, OneDrive, Ceridian, Slack, ADP, and GoogleDocs The  single sign-on feature gives  users a one-click process to all of their centralized information. This makes the rollout easy and minimizes login fatigue.

A screenshot of Beekeeper's integration marketplace

Smoothly transition your HR digital transformation with Beekeeper’s integration marketplace

Integrations with Beekeeper’s marketplace means there’s no need for complex overhauls or time-consuming data migrations. Instead, Beekeeper integrates with your existing infrastructure, making the implementation of your HR digital transformation more accessible and manageable.

8. Monitoring and Continuous Improvement

Continuously monitor the performance of the digital HR solutions and evaluate their impact on HR processes and overall organizational objectives. Utilize your engagement platform like Beekeeper to survey users and gather employee feedback from users and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement. Make necessary optimizations to maximize the benefits of the digital transformation.

Well-Known HR Digital Transformation Examples

Now, you know all about the digital transformation in HR. But, what does it actually look like?

Below are some of the most well-known examples of the HR digital transformation in play.


The internet juggernaut has led the HR digital transformation journey since it introduced the world to people analytics. Back in 2008, Google used analytics pulled from employee surveys and feedback to establish successful manager behaviors. That same practice was used to uncover the top factors that create a positive team environment. Both have been used to create a team people from all over the world want to be a part of.

Royal Dutch Shell

Before the pandemic, Shell was beginning to realize a skills gap within its workforce. The industry was turning to AI, machine learning, and other digital tools, but Shell’s workforce wasn’t ready. So, the oil giant adopted a digital learning platform that gave employees the opportunity to learn the skills the business needed to stay ahead of the industry curve.


IBM has coined this new digital era of HR tech as HR 3.0. In HR 3.0, business leaders make data-driven decisions powered by AI capabilities that create a better employee experience. For example, IBM partnered with Burger King Brazil to introduce a virtual assistant to take over repetitive HR tasks. In no time, the virtual assistant took on 50% of employee requests, like paid time off requests, leaving more time for the HR team to focus on strategic priorities.

Examples of the HR Digital Transformation in Frontline Industries

You may think the HR digital transformation mainly applies to the corporate world, but it’s no stranger to frontline-majority businesses. In fact, our top 5 trends shaping the future of frontline work all point to a digital future.

Let’s look at some companies already embracing the digital transformation in HR.

Amsted Rail

Amsted Rail is a globally integrated manufacturer that was forced to rethink its paper-based HR process in 2020. Before adopting Beekeeper, the company posted job openings on a bulletin board, and interested employees wrote their names down. HR managers then had to track the process manually via multiple spreadsheets.

Fast-forward to today, and the team uses Beekeeper’s Forms to speed up the process. Employees can now easily fill out their information from their mobile devices. And, HR managers no longer have to keep up with clunky processes along the way.

Life Time Inc.

Health and wellness clubs across the world were hit hard by the global pandemic. For Life Time Inc., the situation started as temporary location closures. But soon enough, the company was forced to furlough 90% of staff.

Communicating with furloughed employees usually comes with sticky HR and legal red tape. However, using Beekeeper, the Life Time team executed a new communications approach that could reach both active and furloughed team members.

Set up your Business for HR Digital Transformation and Trends

Automation, analytics, and accessibility. These are the top HR trends and they all support the HR digital transformation that companies need. With the current labor market and the demand for talent, it’s mission critical for businesses to adapt to a digital future for HR operations. 

With a solid digital HR strategy and the right tools, human resources teams are better equipped to recruit and retain talent, operate more efficiently, and stay competitive in a tight labor market.

With an HR solution like Beekeeper, companies can optimize HR operations and build an engaged workforce and create the data-driven future they’ll need. 

Use Beekeeper for your HR digital and reduce employee turnover by 40%. 

Frequently Asked Questions About HR Digital Transformation

Why is digital transformation important in the HR process?

The challenging labor market is motivating organizations to evolve their human resources approach. Businesses need a digital HR strategy with solutions built for automation, engagement, and monitoring analytics. Digital transformation is crucial in the HR process for several reasons, as it brings about significant improvements in efficiency, effectiveness, and overall employee experience and builds a resilient workforce companies need for the future.

What is the HR Digital Transformation?

The process of adopting digital human resource tools and strategies to improve the employee experience and enhance operational performance through data-driven, automated practices. HR digital transformation is an ongoing and dynamic process that involves the integration of digital technologies into various aspects of human resources management to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and overall employee experience. This transformation encompasses the adoption of digital tools, technologies, and data-driven approaches to optimize HR processes and meet the evolving demands of the modern workplace.

Ready to start building your HR digital strategy for your frontline? Download “Proven Strategies to Supercharge Frontline Success” today!

Most Frequently Asked Questions

Why is digital transformation important in HR process?

The challenging labor market is motivating organizations to evolve their human resources approach. Businesses need a digital HR strategy with solutions built for automation, engagement, and monitoring analytics.

What is the HR Digital Transformation?

The process of adopting digital human resource tools and strategies to improve the employee experience and enhance operational performance through data-driven, automated practices.