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3 Benefits Of A Manufacturing Safety Checklist (And Where To Get One)

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Workplace safety has always been a priority in the heavy manufacturing industry. But, sometimes, it’s hard to see the progress.

In 2019, the total cost of safety incidents at work was $171 billion. That comes out to about $1,100 per employee per year. And, similar to previous years, the manufacturing industry ranks third for on-the-job incidents, with an average of 400,000 non-fatal injuries a year.

As manufacturers bounce back from the 2020 global health crisis, business leaders are looking to do more to create safe and healthy workplaces.

Start building your safety-first culture today by downloading our heavy manufacturing safety checklist!

With a heavy manufacturing checklist in hand, companies are better prepared to:

  • Optimize their operations
  • Safeguard their busy workplace environments
  • Reduce factory floor risks for the most exposed workers
  • Build a culture of safety within their business

Curious about the benefits of having a heavy manufacturing safety checklist? Check out our top three below!

1. Quickly and Easily Share Workplace Protocols

In frontline-first industries, like manufacturing, businesses are still playing catch-up in adopting workplace collaboration technologies that reach their most essential employees. But, that is changing quickly as the COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically accelerated the process of digitization for these industries.

In 2021, employee health and safety continue to be the focal point of workplace conversations – regardless of if they’re in the break room or the board room.

With a safety checklist, heavy manufacturers have what they need to develop a strategy for sharing important safety information to all employees. 

Some of their steps may include:

  • Providing regular workplace safety training and education
  • Adopting a mobile productivity tool to reach frontliners no matter where they are
  • Communicating with employees in their native language

2. Build A Safety-First Company Culture

Beekeeper health and safety info

Businesses that succeed in creating safe work environments are the ones that empower their employees to champion safety protocols. That usually calls for a highly engaged workforce that wants to see their businesses operate to the highest safety standards possible.

By starting with a safety checklist, heavy manufacturers are building a company culture that prioritizes workplace safety. Some ways companies are fostering a culture of safety include:

  • Establishing a workplace safety committee with representatives from all levels – including the front line
  • Implementing company-wide safety campaigns
  • Requesting transparent feedback from frontline workers

The expense of poor workplace safety protocols is costly. But have no fear! Businesses can address these creeping costs with a safety checklist and better employee engagement.

A recent Gallup research study found that highly engaged organizations experience 70% fewer safety incidents at work.

Mobile collaboration and productivity platforms are one way heavy manufacturers are ramping up frontline employee engagement. With a mobile communication solution, a company can save an estimated $770,000 per 1,000 employees by:

  • Ensuring frontline employees are up-to-date on all critical company information
  • Providing instant access to necessary safety information directly on workers’ mobile devices
  • Sharing safety best practices across the entire organization
  • Recognizing employees that go above and beyond to maintain a safety-first workplace culture

Download our manufacturing safety checklist here!