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25 Employee Newsletter Examples to Boost Engagement

Connect & communicate with your frontline.

Are your important announcements often overlooked, prompting a need to explore impactful employee newsletter examples? Is building a strong, connected team culture becoming challenging with remote and hybrid work models? 

The challenge isn’t about disseminating information–it’s about making it stick. In this article, we’ll list employee newsletters examples that inform, inspire and connect your team..

What is an Employee Newsletter?

An employee newsletter is a communication tool used by organizations to distribute information, updates, and announcements to their workforce. 

It is typically distributed on a regular basis, such as monthly or quarterly, and serves as a means to engage, inform, and motivate employees. 

Employee newsletters often cover a range of topics, including company news, industry trends, employee spotlights, upcoming events, and important policy updates. They aim to foster a sense of community, reinforce company culture and values, and provide a platform for leadership communication. 

Why do you Need Employee Newsletters? 

Employee newsletters are key for engagement, recognition, feedback and transparency. They can:

  • Improve Internal Communication: Newsletters keep employees informed about important updates, announcements, and changes within the organization. They serve as a centralized source of information, ensuring that everyone receives consistent messages and reducing the risk of misinformation or confusion.
  • Foster Company Culture: Employee newsletters provide a platform to showcase and reinforce company values, mission, and culture. By sharing stories, employee spotlights, and highlighting company achievements, newsletters help employees feel connected and aligned with the organization’s vision.
  • Recognize Employees: Newsletters offer an opportunity to recognize and appreciate employee achievements, milestones, and contributions. This employee recognition can boost employee morale, improve employee mental health motivation, and engagement, creating a positive work environment.
  • Encourage Feedback and Dialogue: By including sections for employee feedback, surveys, or Q&A sessions, newsletters facilitate two-way communication. Employees can share their thoughts, ask questions, and provide suggestions, fostering a sense of involvement and ownership.
  • Assist in Change Management: During periods of change, newsletters can be used to explain the reasons, benefits, and impacts of the change. By addressing concerns, providing updates, and offering resources for support, newsletters help employees adapt and navigate through organizational changes.
  • Drive Transparency: Newsletters promote transparency by sharing information about company performance, goals, and challenges. This open communication helps employees understand the bigger picture and feel more connected to the organization’s success.

Checklist Before Starting Your Newsletter

Before starting an employee newsletter, here are some tips to keep in mind: 

  • Define the objectives of the newsletter. This could include increasing engagement, keeping staff informed, and celebrating successes. Having clear objectives will help guide the content and format of the newsletter. 
  • Set up a dedicated team to manage the newsletter. This team should include individuals who have the necessary skills and time to create and distribute the newsletter regularly. 
  • Choose a communication platform that includes a newsletter feature, such as Beekeeper, which allows you to quickly create newsletters from content you have already made on the app and analyze engagement strategies
  • Select a newsletter tool that is easy to use, provides design options, and offers analytics. This will help you create visually appealing newsletters and track their performance. 
  • Plan your content in advance to ensure a consistent schedule. Decide whether the newsletter will be daily, weekly, monthly, or at some other regular interval. 
  • Create a style guide to maintain consistency in design, tone, and formatting. This will help create a cohesive and professional newsletter. 
  • Gather content regularly to ensure that you have enough material to include in each newsletter. This can include news, updates, employee spotlights, and other relevant information. 
  • Ensure compliance and privacy by following all relevant regulations and obtaining consent from employees to include their information in the newsletter. 
  • Seek feedback from employees and iterate based on their suggestions. This will help improve the newsletter over time and make it more engaging for readers. 
  • Finally, measure the success of the newsletter by tracking open rates, click-through rates, and reader feedback. This will help you understand how well the newsletter is being received and make any necessary adjustments.

25 Internal Employee Newsletter Examples and Ideas to Try [+3 Templates!]

Now let’s look at some internal employee newsletter examples to help you get started on crafting your own.

1. Monthly Employee Newsletter Examples

Monthly newsletters are perfect for in-depth updates, employee spotlights and key achievements. They allow for a complete overview of the past month highlights and upcoming events. 

How To: Feature sections like ‘Employee of the month’, ‘Upcoming Projects’, and ‘Team Success Stories’ to celebrate the collective and individual contributions that drive your company forward. 

Here’s a short template: 

Month in Review:
Project Milestones: We completed [Project Name], which will [impact on the company or customers]. A big shout-out to the [Department/Team] for their dedication!
Company News: [Briefly summarize any new initiatives, policy changes, or company-wide news]
Awards and Recognitions: Congratulations to [Employee or Team Name] for [achievement or award].
Employee Spotlight:This month, we’re featuring [Employee Name], [Position].
[Employee Name] has been with us for [time] and has made significant contributions to [project or team]. [Insert a brief interview or story about the employee, their role, accomplishments, and personal interests.]
Deep Dive: [In-Depth Feature][Provide a detailed review or update on a specific project, initiative, or department. This section might include insights from the project lead, impact analysis, and future steps.]
Upcoming Events:[Event Name]: [Brief description, date, and what employees can expect][Training Session or Workshop]: [Details about the opportunity and how to register][Company Outing or Team Building Activity]: [Details and how to participate]
Looking Ahead:As we move into [next month or next quarter], we are excited about [upcoming projects, seasonal events, or company goals]. Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to get involved.
Closing Remarks

2. Weekly Department Digests

These digests are essential for sharing department-specific updates, offering a snapshot of recent accomplishments, current projects and upcoming goals. 

How To: In a marketing department digest, write about the launch of a new campaign, metrics from recent advertising efforts, or a schedule for upcoming social media content. 

Here’s a template to get you started:

[Department Name] Weekly Digest
Dear [Department Name] Team,
Welcome to the [Department Name] Weekly Digest! This newsletter is designed to keep you informed about the latest updates, achievements, and important information within our department. 

Here’s a roundup of what’s been happening in our department:
1. [Department Highlights]: Highlight the major accomplishments, milestones, or successful projects from the past week. This could include significant client wins, new partnerships, or any outstanding achievements by team members.

2. [Department News]: Share updates on any important departmental news, such as new hires, promotions, or changes in team structure. This section will help everyone stay connected and aware of any changes within our department.

3. [Learning and Development]: Provide information about upcoming training sessions, workshops, or webinars that can help team members enhance their skills or stay updated with industry trends. Encourage participation and provide registration details.

4. [Employee Spotlight]: Shine a spotlight on a team member who has made a significant contribution or achieved something noteworthy. Include a brief interview or story about their role, accomplishments, and personal interests.

5. [Department Resources]: Share useful resources, staff communication tools, or articles that can benefit team members. This could include relevant industry news, best practices, or helpful tips to improve productivity or work-life balance.

6. [Upcoming Deadlines]: Highlight any upcoming deadlines or important dates that team members need to be aware of. This will help everyone stay organized and ensure timely completion of tasks or projects.

We encourage you to provide feedback, suggestions, or ideas for future editions of our Weekly Digest. Your input is valuable in making this newsletter a valuable resource for our department.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Let’s continue to collaborate, learn, and achieve great things together!
Best Regards,
[Your Name][Your Position][Department Name]

3. Annual Review Highlights

This newsletter provides a concise summary of the key accomplishments, milestones, and highlights of the past year. It allows organizations to celebrate their successes, recognize employee contributions, and reflect on areas of improvement for the future. 

How To: Showcase significant revenue growth, successful product launches, and employee recognition initiatives.

Here’s what a template might look like:

[Company Name] Annual Review Highlights
Dear [Company] Team,
Let’s celebrate and recognize the achievements, growth, and progress of our organization over the past year. 

Here’s a roundup of what’s in this edition:

1. Year in Review: Take a look back at the major milestones, accomplishments, and key moments that defined the past year for our company. This section will highlight our successes and remind us of the progress we have made as a team.

2. Employee Spotlights: We will feature stories and interviews of employees who have made a significant impact or achieved exceptional results. This section will celebrate their contributions and inspire others to strive for excellence.

3. Team Achievements: Recognize and appreciate the achievements of our various teams and departments. Highlight successful projects, significant client wins, or any outstanding accomplishments that have contributed to our overall success.

4. Growth and Development: Provide an overview of the training, development, and learning opportunities we have provided to our employees over the past year. This section will showcase our commitment to helping our team members grow both personally and professionally.

5. Employee Appreciation: Express our gratitude and appreciation for the hard work, dedication, and contributions of our employees. This section will highlight specific examples of how their efforts have made a difference and contributed to our success.

6. Looking Ahead: Share our vision, goals, and plans for the upcoming year. This section will provide a glimpse into the exciting opportunities and challenges that lie ahead and inspire our team to strive for continued growth and success.
We encourage you to provide feedback, suggestions, or ideas for future editions of our Annual Review Highlights. Your input is valuable in making this newsletter a meaningful and engaging resource for our employees.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our organization’s success. Let’s continue to achieve great things together!
Best Regards,
[Your Name][Your Position][Company Name]

4. New Employee Welcomes

This newsletter fosters a sense of belonging and integration for new hires, providing important information about the company, its culture, and introducing the new employee to their team. It’s a great opportunity to make new employees feel welcomed, informed, and supported during their onboarding process. 

How To: Include a welcome message from the CEO, an introduction to the company’s values, and a spotlight on the new employee’s background and interests.

5. Project Completion Celebrations

Highlighting the achievements, milestones, and contributions of team members on a project. can boost morale, foster a sense of accomplishment, and encourage collaboration. 

How To: List project highlights, success stories, and shout-outs to team members for their efforts.

6. Employee Spotlight Features

This is the time to recognize and celebrate the achievements, talents, and contributions of individual employees within your team. Employee recognition is so important because it helps to build a sense of community, recognize and appreciate those who go above and beyond, and inspire others. 

How To: Include interviews, success stories, and highlights of employee accomplishments in their respective roles.

7. Innovation and Ideas Corner

Providing a platform for employees to share and discuss innovative ideas, trends, and technologies within an organization encourages creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving while fostering a culture of continuous improvement. 

How To: Feature information on new technologies, success stories of implemented ideas, and create opportunities for employees to submit their own innovative suggestions.

8. Health and Wellness Tips

This newsletter is a chance to offer helpful information, advice, and resources to promote the physical and mental well-being of employees to help promote a healthy work environment, increase productivity, and reduce absenteeism.

How To: Provide tips on healthy eating, exercise, stress management techniques, and mental health resources.

9. Remote Work Tips

Insights, advice, and strategies to help employees navigate the challenges of working remotely can promote productivity, work-life balance, and collaboration.

How To: Highlight remote communication tools, time management techniques, and tips for maintaining work-life boundaries.

10. Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

Highlighting the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace fosters an inclusive culture, helps improve employee engagement, and promotes a sense of belonging. 

How To: Feature company initiatives (like diversity training programs, employee resource groups, and inclusive hiring practices) and educate employees on topics such as unconscious bias and allyship.

11. Training and Development Opportunities

Informing employees about the latest learning opportunities and professional development programs within your organization promotes a culture of continuous learning. 

How To: Create a list of updates on training courses, workshops, and resources that enhance employees’ skills and knowledge, as well as leadership development programs, online courses, and mentorship opportunities.

12. Safety and Compliance Updates

This newsletter keeps employees informed about the latest safety protocols, compliance regulations, and workplace hazards. It ensures that employees are aware of any changes or updates that may affect their well-being and helps maintain a safe and compliant work environment

How To: Include briefs on new safety procedures, training sessions recaps, and incident prevention tips.

13. Sustainability and CSR Efforts

Highlighting an organization’s commitment to making a positive impact on society and the environment helps build trust and transparency, engages stakeholders, and encourages them to support the organization’s sustainable practices. 

How To: Showcase a company’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions, promote diversity and inclusion, and support local communities through philanthropy and volunteering programs.

14. Tech and Tools Updates

Providing regular updates on the latest technological advancements and tools relevant to your teams keeps them informed about new software, equipment, and strategies that can improve their efficiency and effectiveness. 

How To: Highlight the introduction of a mobile app that streamlines communication and coordination among frontline workers, making their tasks more manageable and enabling faster response times.

15. Customer Success Stories

Highlighting the impact of employees’ work on customers boosts morale and demonstrates the importance of their role in delivering value and fostering customer satisfaction.

How To: Feature a story of how an employee’s exceptional service turned a dissatisfied customer into a loyal advocate or showcase the employee’s dedication and the company’s commitment to customer success.

This newsletter can provide valuable information on industry trends, competitor analysis, and customer preferences. It keeps employees informed, helps them understand market dynamics, and empowers them to make strategic decisions.

How To: Highlight emerging consumer preferences for eco-friendly products, asking employees for ideas in developing sustainable offerings that align with market demands.

17. Birthday and Work Anniversary Acknowledgments

Celebrating and recognizing employees’ birthdays and work anniversaries helps foster a positive work culture, boosts employee morale, and strengthens team camaraderie. This simple gesture can make employees feel valued and appreciated, enhancing their loyalty and motivation.

How To: Feature a section where employees’ birthdays and work anniversaries are highlighted, along with personalized messages and well wishes from colleagues and management.

18. Team Building Activities

Informing your teams about upcoming team-building events, workshops, and initiatives within the company helps foster collaboration, communication, and a sense of belonging among employees.

How To: Organize and announce a company-sponsored volunteer event where employees come together to support a local charity or community organization.

19. Event Recaps and Upcoming Events

This newsletter can provide a summary of past team-building activities and announce upcoming events that promote engagement, teamwork, and a sense of community among employees.

How To: Recap a recent team-building workshop on effective communication skills and announce an upcoming company-wide sports tournament.

20. Volunteering and Community Service

Featuring opportunities for employees to engage in charitable activities and contribute to the community helps create a sense of social responsibility, teamwork, and a positive company culture. 

How To: Recap a recent volunteer day at a local shelter and announce upcoming opportunities to participate in fundraising events for a nonprofit organization.

21. Feedback and Survey Summaries

Summarizing feedback and survey results gathered from employees allows them to stay informed about the company’s progress and improvements and promotes transparency, employee engagement, and continuous improvement.

How To: Summarize the feedback received from an employee satisfaction survey and highlight the actions taken by the company to address any concerns or suggestions.

22. Fun and Games Section

Sharing information about upcoming office events, games, and team-building activities promotes a positive and enjoyable work environment, boosting employee morale and encouraging team bonding.

How To: Announce an upcoming company-wide virtual game night where employees can participate in friendly competition and win prizes.

23. Behind the Scenes at Work

Giving insight into the inner workings of the company by showcasing projects, processes, and achievements enhances transparency and promotes a better understanding of the company’s goals.

How To: Feature interviews with different departments, highlighting their contributions to a recent successful project and give employees a behind-the-scenes look at the collaboration and effort involved.

24. Management and Policy Changes

Keeping employees informed about any updates or modifications in company policies, procedures, and management decisions keeps teams on the same page and helps employees adapt to changes more smoothly. 

How To: Announce a new remote work policy, providing details on expectations, guidelines, and resources available to support employees in their remote work setup.

25. Personal Development Resources

Providing information, resources, and tips for personal growth and professional development empowers employees to enhance their skills, knowledge, and overall well-being. Promoting continuous learning and growth can lead to increased job satisfaction, motivation, and productivity. (In our annual Frontline Survey, we found that for 21% of workers, learning and development was their main motivator at work!)

How To: Feature articles on time management techniques, online courses, and recommended books to help employees improve their productivity and achieve work-life balance.

Boost Employee Engagement and Company Culture

Boosting employee engagement and company culture is crucial for fostering a positive and productive work environment. One effective way to achieve this is through employee newsletters. 

By regularly sharing updates, success stories, and recognition, newsletters keep employees connected and informed.

A seamless internal communications plan allows management to share business goals, best practices, and other important information to increase employee productivity, engagement, and retention. Unified communication fosters a sense of community, trust, and loyalty in your organization. This white paper gives you the tools you need to start planning and implementing a successful internal communications strategy