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Win Executive Buy-in for an Employee App

Over one in three participants in today’s US labor force are from the millennial generation. This generation continues to dominate the workforce in larger numbers than ever before, making the business case for workforce digitization not only compelling but necessary. Courting these employees who are accustomed to the convenience and efficiency of real-time, mobile workplace communication through the latest technology is thus imperative.

Nevertheless, convincing your organization’s leadership to invest in an employee app for workforce management can sometimes be an uphill battle for employees and managers. Luckily, there are a variety of different methods by which to adopt and implement an employee app program successfully. We’ll walk you through three of the five pertinent steps needed to prove to your executive team that digital communication tools are essential to workplace communication and to staying competitive in today’s fast-paced marketplace and recruitment landscape.


1. Illustrate Why an Employee App Matters With Data

What data speaks most directly to your organization’s mission-critical operations and internal communication needs? If you work in the hospitality business, research examples of how hotel employees at a multiple-location franchise benefit from unifying under a single digital roof. For restaurant or retail industries, show your leadership team the time-saving benefits of digital shift scheduling or distributing company-wide news to the entire workforce. Drawing parallels to these kinds of success stories will back-up your argument of how your organization could be transformed by an employee app.

2. Extol The Benefits of a Mobile Solution

Employee engagement has become one of the most important KPIs that organizations can measure, and there is a serious business case for making employee engagement one of your top priorities. In frontline workforces, it is reported that only 13% of employees are engaged. According to employee engagement expert and author Jill Christensen, it’s not just about employee morale, it’s about the bottom line. Consequences of diminished engagement rates among workforces include decreased team productivity, customer satisfaction – and perhaps most alarming, revenue growth:

“The most profitable companies in the world, and the companies that are growing the fastest, have the highest levels of employee engagement.” –Jill Christensen, Employee Engagement Expert and Author

In contrast, highly-engaged employees across all industries have proven track records of bringing ROI to the table. Presenting the importance of employee engagement via sound statistics helps executive leadership teams see how disengagement impacts every aspect of business.

3. Develop a Successful Pilot Program for Team Communication Tools

Architecting the perfect pilot program can be just the tangible proof your executive team needs to sign-off on adopting a new team communication tool to their workforce management strategy. As you define what a sufficient employee app pilot program might look like for your organization, It’s important to ask for feedback from team members at all levels of the organization. This approach pulls from a wide range of experiences so that you have a truly comprehensive sample of data with which to compare and contrast during the employee app’s rollout with your workforce. With adequate research and data, proving that real-time communication with a highly-mobile solution like an employee app is a sound investment for leadership is not as challenging as it may appear.

Download the full eBook, “5 Steps to Get Executive Buy-In For an Employee App,” to jump start your digital workplace strategy and make the case for a workforce management tool.