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Webinar: Reality Check – Where Are We In The Hospitality Recovery?

Watch The Replay

For the hospitality industry, 2020 was the year to reset, restart and reimagine operations. One year later, companies are optimistically preparing for a recovery that is focused on:

  • Safety
  • Agility
  • Transparency
  • Digital enablement

Watch the entire webinar for perspectives and insights shaping the hospitality industry in 2021.

In a recent Beekeeper webinar, we spoke with hospitality leaders who shared their thoughtful insights into the challenges they now face on the road to recovery.

Beekeeper's webinar on hospitality recovery

Meet our expert panelists:

  • Andrada Paraschiv, Head of Hospitality at Beekeeper (Moderator)
  • Amy Weber, Community Engagement Specialist, MOD Pizza
  • Melissa Milione, Corporate Director of Events, Hyatt Hotels & Resorts
  • Sarah Sorbel, HR Manager, Morongo Casino, Resort & Spa

Don’t have time to watch the full webinar? Here are some key takeaways:

Health and Safety Trumps Everything

A steady drumbeat throughout the webinar, and the past 12 months, was health and safety. However, the challenges facing casinos, restaurants, and hotels this time last year are evolving once more.

“At MOD, we think we’re a trailblazer in the restaurant industry, but when it comes to our return to normal, we’re going to be a thoughtful follower in making sure it’s safe before we open everything up.” 

– Amy Weber, Community Engagement Specialist, MOD Pizza

Today, businesses are focused on:

  • Complying with health and safety regulations
  • Reopening in a way that is safe for employees, guests, and surrounding communities
  • Seeking input from frontline employees on ways to make them feel safer
  • Distributing news and information to help team members feel more confident in their return to work

Employees’ Mental Wellbeing Should Be Front and Center

Our panelists indicated that no matter where you are in your recovery, employee mental wellbeing should be a priority.

“One thing that is critical in re-onboarding the colleagues will be their mental and emotional wellbeing. I think we have to be sensitive to how difficult the past year has been for them personally. Many of them are returning to work without their former co-workers, and survivor’s guilt or survivor’s syndrome is a real issue. Our colleagues are going to need support in working through it.” 

– Melissa Milione, Corporate Director of Events, Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

To support team members focusing on their mental health, companies are:

  • Sharing mental and emotional wellbeing resources
  • Providing free access to apps like Headspace
  • Communicating mental health best practices

Information-Sharing Will Remain Critical

At the onset of the pandemic, companies scrambled to find ways to connect with their more dispersed teams. In hospitality, that also included the millions of furloughed employees that needed information about:

  • Healthcare benefits
  • Payroll
  • Return to work protocols

As a result, many companies adopted digital platforms that both active and furloughed employees could access anywhere.

“With Beekeeper, we were able to reach team members in a way that we never have before […] I never would have thought that would have been such a positive thing coming out of such a negative pandemic.” 

– Sarah Sorbel, HR Manager, Morongo Casino, Resort & Spa

Companies that digitally-enabled their frontline workforce during the pandemic are now better positioned to succeed in their recovery. Why? Because those employees now have access to:

  • Real-time information in their preferred language
  • Training materials for safely returning to work
  • Digital forms, checklists, and documents
  • Best practices that work for other locations

Watch a replay of the webinar to learn how Beekeeper helps these hospitality companies transition to their next normal.