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The Best Unily Alternative for Your Frontline Workers

When it comes to solutions to enhance the employee experience, there are plenty of digital workplace platforms to choose from. For example, Unily is a popular software solution that bills itself as an “employee experience platform.” But for industries that have both desk-based and frontline workers, a Unily alternative might be the way to go. 

Frontline workers are the driving force behind so many industries, like manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and hospitality. To maximize ROI, your internal communications platform should be designed to reach all your employees — anytime, anywhere. In other words, a mobile-first solution that encompasses everyone from the frontline to the C-Suite.


A fully connected enterprise delivers real business results like:

  • Higher engagement
  • Greater productivity and more innovation
  • Cohesive culture and aligned workforce
  • Boosts the bottom line

But with all of the workforce communication solutions out there, it’s critical to take the time and determine what’s right for your company and your workforce.

What Is Unily Intranet?

Unily is a blended communication platform dedicated to both the employee experience and customer connection. It is a content management platform, a social intranet for employees, an extranet for business partners, and a portal for customers. 

What Are the Strengths and Weaknesses of Unily?

With an experienced team behind Unily, the company has a solid reputation and a good platform. Having gone through several iterations, the platform now bills itself as a B2B, B2E, and B2C solution. 

In short, Unily is essentially a top-down, corporate social media tool. It offers one-way communication that allows companies to digitize their employee newspaper through top-down communication and limited, private bottom-up posting.

Unily is also known as a social Intranet. HR and internal communications professionals can publish internal announcements, host files, share information with customers, and stream corporate social media accounts all in one place

On the upside, Unily offers a host of sought-after features, such as a Unily Sharepoint integration and boasts a reputable roster of clients.

What Are Some of the Best Unily Alternatives?

For companies doing research on platforms that can help them connect and engage their workforce, some of the top Unily alternatives include:

  • Beekeeper
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Salesforce Chatter
  • Cisco Jabber

Why There Might Be a Better Unily Alternative For Your Business

Before committing to a digital communication tool, consider conducting an internal audit. 

Organize a steering committee of stakeholder from all levels of your company to get their input on questions such as:

  • What goals is your company trying to accomplish?
  • Do you need your digital workplace to collect data and insights from your workforce, or simply be a communication tool?
  • Is security a concern when it comes to digital tools?
  • What does your workforce need from a digital communication platform and which features will best support them?

It’s also a good idea to evaluate what you’re getting for your money and ask questions like, “How much is Unily compared to other options?”

As the workforce becomes increasingly dispersed, a mobile-first solution that allows for bottom-up, two-way communication is now the easiest, most effective way to reach your frontline workers.

When looking for the right internal communication tool for your team, it’s important to find the right fit for your workforce communication needs. 

How Beekeeper Supports Frontline Workers

When Beekeeper first emerged on the market, it was based on the same simple premise that propels the company’s mission today — to connect the unconnected.

Fast forward to today. With customers in 130 countries, Beekeeper is fulfilling its mission by engaging frontline workers across our most important industries. After COVID-19, the world has finally recognized these workers for what they are — essential. Now, these mission-critical workers are getting the recognition and digital tools they deserve.

Designed to unite employees that were often left out of the loop of their company’s internal communications, Beekeeper is truly a holistic employee experience platform with every element specifically designed to connect and engage the two billion frontline workers around the world

These features include:

  • Confirmation campaigns
  • Inline translation 
  • Two-way, real-time communication capabilities
  • Shift schedules
  • Digital forms 
  • Document library
  • Secure file sharing
  • Pulse surveys
  • Robust analytics dashboard
Beekeeper's guide to using an accessible platform for open enrollment

For companies concerned about security, Beekeeper always uses a virtual private cloud hosted in ISO 27001certified data centers

How to Successfully Implement a Workplace Communication Tool 

When leaders decide to implement employee engagement software, their first step should be to get buy in at every level of their organization. Giving your workforce agency over the tools they will use begins to boost morale and improve engagement.

With dedicated customer success teams, Beekeeper provides companies with step-by-step support to ensure a smooth transition when onboarding your entire organization. They work directly with stakeholders to create content calendars, rollout plans, and strategies to ensure adoption. 

The platform’s intuitive interface and single-sign-on results in higher adoption rates compared with other mobile workplace apps. 

In fact, some companies who use Beekeeper have achieved 85% activation rates—six times greater than similar digital tools.

The success of your rollout depends on the platform’s fit for your workforce and leadership’s enthusiasm for both the software and the digital transformation of your organization. Beekeeper is your partner in driving workforce digitization and organizational change.

Want to learn more about Beekeeper? Request a demo to speak with one of our product experts.