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How to Streamline Onboarding for Frontline Employees with Instant QR Code Login

Beekeeper is not only a leading enterprise mobile communication solution, but also an app that revolutionizes onboarding for frontline employees through instant QR code login. One of the biggest problems companies face with internal communication tools is low adoption rates: upper-level management tries to introduce a new platform, but employees simply don’t want to use it, and they don’t attempt to streamline onboarding. 

Low adoption rates for digital workplace technologies happen for a variety of different reasons — from technical difficulties in the setup process, to a lack of available resources on how to use the platform. 

That’s why here at Beekeeper, one of the must-have features for our software was that it had to be easy to use. This meant that employees needed easy access to Beekeeper at all times. We knew that getting employees signed into Beekeeper had to be seamless. No passwords, or company email required. 

Enable Instant QR Code Login

Onboarding frontline employees with new software tools has long been a challenge. It’s hard to distribute logins and passwords and even harder to get employees to sign up. The onboarding itself takes awhile for each individual employee, not to mention the sum total of effort and time it takes to onboard every single new employee.

To streamline the process, Beekeeper has devised a way to bypass the need for logins and passwords during signup. Now employees have the option to scan a QR code, which immediately logs them into their Beekeeper account.

Login Notifications

Users will be notified via SMS, email, or an in-app message when anyone logs into their account with a QR code.

Provide Useful Internal Resources

Beekeeper admins can easily generate QR codes for any employee. All they have to do is scan the QR code and voila! They’re signed in. 

Admins also have the option of sending new employees printed instructions with a welcome pack. For all of our clients, we include a template for these instructions that is generated automatically, and can then be sent via PDF to new employees.

By making the QR code onboarding process as seamless as possible, organizations have the opportunity to create and maintain a fully engaged workforce that communicates exceptionally. You no longer have to worry about whether your employees are logged into and using the communication tools you’ve provided. Now, you don’t have to spend hours getting each new employee set up and explain how the tool works. 

With Beekeeper’s QR code onboarding, employees are up and running in no time. 

How Heathrow Improved Real-Time Internal Communication with QR Code Onboarding

For Heathrow Airport, ease of use was a must-have feature of their internal comms platform. Their digital workplace for their frontline teams had to work well across any mobile device, and be easy for employees to get into. Since Beekeeper’s app offers easy, instant QR code login and doesn’t require time-consuming account creation for each individual employee, management was able to easily get their frontline team onboard. 

“The platform is very intuitive so we don’t have to spend a lot of time explaining how to use it. Heathrow colleagues span across all age groups, so simplicity is very important to cater to all technology skill levels.

– Mitch Austin, Security Communications Manager at Heathrow

With Beekeeper’s instant, QR code login feature, your workforce will stay connected to each other, and engaged with your internal communications platform. Learn more about  QR Code onboarding and the many other features Beekeeper has to offer frontlines teams. 

Take your team’s communication to the next level with our comprehensive guide on internal communication for frontline industries.