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Integrate Workplace Applications With Beekeeper’s Open API

Workplace application integrations can and should meet a central goal: more efficient and expedient delivery of enterprise information within existing workflows.

When it comes to workplace BYOD (bring your own device) policies, organizations are fighting for app space on employees’ mobile devices. While apps may make the job easier, app-overload and lack of familiar, intuitive interfaces shouldn’t be underestimated as barriers when it comes to adoption.

App integrations available in the Beekeeper Marketplace, and Beekeeper’s open API, enable user synchronization and easy integration with your existing software for smoother workflows.

Creating a digital workplace management strategy depends on three key factors:

1. Ensuring that the solution is simple to implement and isn’t delayed by requiring laborious implementation on the part of IT and HR

2. Successful identification of an organization’s pain points, such as cross-departmental internal communication or connecting dispersed sales teams

Application Integrations Drive Digital Workplace Management

Application integrations allow you to combine the essential operational processes you and your team need into one synchronized workflow, which means less apps to download and learn. Beekeeper’s open API allows for integration of payroll and scheduling systems, such as ADP, that you use daily directly into your existing workflow––making the choice between deploying multiple, siloed apps or building on one easy to navigate digital ecosystem with API integration tools a no-brainer.

Beekeeper Open API Integrates Essential Apps Into One Digital Workflow

Having the best API integration tools is a huge asset to your digital workplace management strategy because of the resulting increases in productivity across your team workflows.

Think about it this way: if you have to constantly toggle between applications throughout your work day, especially if moving between worksites or areas of a large organization, valuable time is lost in the process. What’s more, mobile collaboration has the potential to fall through the cracks because of the inconvenience of working in multiple apps.

Mobile device showing Beekeeper app extensions

HRIS and ERP Integrations for Better Workforce Management

Notably, while leadership or desk-based workers may be plugged into enterprise resource planning (ERP), connecting mobile or off-site employees (particularly if they don’t have access to company email) remains an untapped opportunity.

That’s where Beekeeper is poised to fill a crucial void in the marketplace, notes Michael Berman, VP of Strategic Alliances at Beekeeper. “HRIS [human resource information services] and ERP integrations are essential components of effective digital workplace management and thus better information delivery. That’s always the top priority for integrations with Beekeeper.”

Beekeeper App Marketplace

In the Beekeeper Marketplace, learn about and demo other app integrations for your workforce’s digital workflows such as:

  • Inline translation for posts and comments, available in 30 languages
  • How to connect your HR software to integrate with Beekeeper
  • Secure, GDPR-compliant e-archival of team app messages
Screen shot of Beekeeper App Marketplace

Application Integration Empowers User Synchronization

With Beekeeper API integration tools, the operational functions you need are directly embedded into your existing digital workflow. This means that common HR operational processes are streamlined and, most importantly, connected to your digital ecosystem.
User synchronization is a key component of this unification and one that allows for unified communications. This flexible user management capability from different sources is “a key strength of Beekeeper,” remarks Berman.

See how Beekeeper’s open API can transform digital workplace management.