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How to Streamline Your Payroll Process and Win at HR

Most HR professionals get into the Human Resources business because, well, they like dealing with humans. Payroll processing is practically the exact opposite of that. It’s a tedious, time-consuming task that’s a regular cause of stress and anxiety for most HR departments.

What’s more, the consequences of even the slightest mistake can have disastrous consequences. When it comes to getting paid, you better believe people are paying attention, and even the slightest slip can land even a seasoned HR professional in a world of trouble. The easiest way to tank team morale within a company is to not pay employees on time.

Here are some of the biggest payroll-related stressors for HR teams.

1) Administrative Avalanche

Payroll processing has a million moving pieces, and even seasoned HR professionals can easily get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of administrative tasks involved. Between keeping track of time off, hourly workers vs. salary employees, compliance issues, and handing out paystubs, payroll can sometimes feel like a full-time job.

2) Record Keeping Woes

In some cases, businesses in the U.S. are required to keep detailed records of their employees’ salaries and deductions for up to 5 years. When it comes to storing manual paperwork, there’s a lot that can go wrong in that amount of time. Files may get lost or damaged, and locating old paperwork may become next to impossible due to the number of files being stored onsite.

3) Terribly Time-Consuming

Perhaps one of the biggest challenges HR leaders face with it comes to processing payroll is simply the amount of time it takes to do the job. Double checking for accuracy, triple checking for compliance, quadruple checking payout amounts — the entire process from start to finish can end up eating away days of precious time that could be better spent attending to employees’ needs.

Alleviate Painful Payroll Processing with an Operational Communication Platform that Integrates with Your HR Tech

Outdated, disparate payroll solutions can be a massive headache for HR leaders. Fortunately, the right operational communications platform can help HR teams do more than simply communicate effectively with their team.

Discover how Beekeeper helps HR leaders at Watergate Hotel communicate with their frontline employees!

How to Digitize Your Payroll Process with App Integrations

An operational communication platform like Beekeeper that has a robust Marketplace of third party integrations can dramatically improve your company’s payroll process.

Here are just a few of Beekeeper’s integrations with leading HR software providers.

  • SAP SuccessFactors
  • ADP
  • Workday
  • Mirus
  • UKG Pro
  • Bamboo HR
  • Gastromatic
  • BambooHR

A screenshot of navigation extensions with Innovation App in Beekeeper team app being using for operations management.
Benefits of Beekeeper Integrations with HR Tech

With all the available HR integrations, users can build their ideal digital workplace for their employees. Here are a few ways that Beekeeper can help streamline the payroll process and spend more time doing what HR leaders do best — act as a resource to other humans. Beekeeper integrates with leading payroll software provides to make payroll management easier than ever.

Single Sign-On

Beekeeper’s single sign-on capabilities enable users to securely authenticate login information with multiple applications and websites by allowing them to log in only once — with just one set of credentials (username and password).

Access to Payslips

Beekeeper’s ADP integration allows HR leaders to provide employees with access to their payslips 24/7. You’ll never have to field those “I lost my paystub. Can I get another copy?” request ever again!

Take Domino’s Pizza for example. Not only were they able to improve the performance of their frontline workers with Beekeeper, they were also able to integrate Beekeeper with their existing HR software through an app integration.

Before integrating with Beekeeper, it often took their HR team 2-3 hours each week just to pack envelopes!

Now, Domino’s payroll is connected to the Beekeeper operational communication platform, so that employees are onboarded into the system as soon as they join the company. All paperwork and other onboarding resources can be easily accessed via the team messaging app — even payslips!

“While our prior payroll system was time-consuming and cumbersome, Beekeeper’s operations integrations suite has allowed us to digitize the whole process. Payslips are now accessible to employees with a single click.”

– Claudia Scherrer Domingos, Head of Human Resources, Domino’s Pizza

Seamless User Management

With Beekeeper’s SAP SuccessFactors and ADP integrations, HR professionals can now seamlessly manage their workforce data such as employee information, payroll, payslips, PTO requests, and scheduling. These Beekeeper integrations allow HR to automatically synchronize their SAP SuccessFactors or ADP employee information with Beekeeper so each employee’s personal data is always up to date in both systems.

Beekeeper Azure integration

“The ADP integration allows us to easily manage users. Anytime new employees are added or leave the company, we only need to update ADP and it will automatically add them to Beekeeper or suspend them. We also pull over different profile fields like location, role, supervisor, start date, and these fields determine which group they are part of in Beekeeper and which streams they can see. Overall, the whole integration process was effortless.”

– Amber Kasting, Human Resources, West Star Aviation

HR Leaders Should Be Able to Focus on Humans

HR professionals are like the emotional caretakers of a company. They are the mediators, advocates, and champions for the people. When a company leverages their HR tech effectively, the benefits are limitless.

It’s time to stop bogging HR leaders down with time-consuming administrative tasks and allow them to focus on providing employees with the support, tools, and resources they need to be successful.

See how Beekeeper helped Domino’s Pizza transform their payroll process. Download the case study right here!