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5 Characteristics of Corporate Culture

Your company’s characteristics of corporate culture more important than ever before. HR leaders listed company culture as their top priority and biggest challenge in a recent study by Deloitte. That’s because company culture has been shown to make or break your business. Here are five characteristics that are commonly found in companies with a strong company culture.

Communication is the most important part of any company. Whether the message comes from the CEO or the manager of the mailroom, it should be clear, concise, and courteous. If employees are afraid of speaking up or gossiping with other employees, a culture of fear and backbiting can spread. Effective communication creates an open culture where employees of all levels are free to say what they need to do their jobs.

1. A Strong Dialogue Encouraging Employee Feedback

Employees want to feel their concerns are being heard. When a company lacks strong internal communications, employees could feel there is no place for them to give feedback. Using a business communication app provides a simple and easy to use way for management to engage employees and also a place for employees to provide feedback.

2. The Character of a Company’s Corporate Culture Is a Product of Diversity and Inclusion

The character of a company’s corporate culture is a product of the successful promotion of diversity and is inclusive of people regardless of race, gender, age, or other factors. Your company culture can accomplish this by fostering tolerance and encouraging acceptance of all employees. Educate leaders on how to interact with all team members, avoid stereotyping and making assumptions, and most importantly, eliminate discrimination of any kind.

3. Training and Professional Development

Investing in employees is one way of showing your employees that you care about them while also bringing value back to your organization. Encouraging employees to attend professional development conferences, additional training, or even furthering their education indicates your belief in your employees. And in today’s ever-changing world, staying on top of the latest technology and professional trends can only help your company.

4. Recognition and Advancement Opportunities

Employees want to know the work they do is noticed. That’s why recognizing employees who go above and beyond is a key part of successful company cultures. That recognition doesn’t have to be monetary, but it should be timely and public. But beyond recognition, employees want to know that it’s possible for them to move up in the company. Ensure employees know when positions open up so they can see the opportunities that are available.

5. Clear and Defined Purpose

Your employees should be able to understand and communicate what your company’s purpose is. That purpose gives employees something to focus on – they can set achievable goals and see how they are helping the company directly. And as an added bonus, a defined purpose doesn’t just help employees. It also boosts the confidence of your company’s stakeholders, according to a 2014 Deloitte study.

If you’re striving to improve your company’s culture, consider focusing on these five characteristics. A successful company culture should lead to greater company success overall. Start small by improving communication with tools like Beekeeper that can help you reach and connect with everyone in your organization.

Get a free demo of Beekeeper to learn how we can help communications within your organization.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

What are 5 characteristics of corporate culture?

1. A Strong Dialogue Encouraging Employee Feedback
2. The Character of a Company’s Corporate Culture Is a Product of Diversity and Inclusion
3. Training and Professional Development
4. Recognition and Advancement Opportunities
5. Clear and Defined Purpose