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3 Reasons Why Onboarding In the Service Industry Should Go Digital

Getting new hires acquainted with your company can be a slow, unproductive process. There is tons of unnecessary paperwork, and other employees get roped into trying to fit a new employee into workday. A great solution to the unwieldy onboarding process is going digital.

Dan Schawbel, founder of Workplace Trends, says the best and most cost effective method of onboarding is to, “Have one place where employees can access the latest company resources including training material, a list of products and services offered, a background on the company, and an employee directory. Make sure employees can access to this information on their mobile phone.” In addition to Dan’s great advice, here are three more reasons why onboarding in the service sector should go digital.

1. Save you and your employees’ time

Time is our most valuable resource. So when onboarding employees, especially temporary ones, being able to get them up to speed immediately is extremely important. Rather than sending onboarding materials in the mail or printing off a training manual, you can send your resources digitally to give your employees immediate access to what they need to know. With technology like Beekeeper, you have the ability to onboard employees as soon as they join your team. Plus, you can introduce them to their coworkers and share in the culture of your company with amazing speed.

2. Save your company money

Setting up a new employee is expensive and time consuming. According to HuffPo,

Maia Josebachvili, VP of of People at Greenhouse, produced a case study where she argued that retaining a sales person for three years instead of two, along with better onboarding and management practices, yields a difference of $1.3 million in net value to the company over a three year period.

Going digital with your onboarding program will give your new employees the ability to fill out their paperwork on their own time, without wasting the resources of your company or your employees.

3. Increase your company’s productivity

Digitally onboarding employees will eliminate redundancy throughout your company. Sharing information digitally will allow employees to share training and educational materials as well as communicate more efficiently. Every onboard can be automated to a specific employee or employee type.

You can set specific goals and objectives for both managers and new hires, which will help them know what is expected of them. Onboarding is a process that can create unnecessary processes in your company. Keith Ferrazzi of the Harvard Business Review explains how technology can save your company’s productivity,

Just as a Fitbit collects leading indicators on physical health, digital onboarding tools can help managers collect leading indicators of success — such as faster ramp to productivity, greater retention rates, and higher employee engagement.

The onboarding process is the real first impression you and your new employee will have with each other. Going digital with your process will allow you to have more control and automation, especially when dealing with temporary employees. The ability to immediately share content with your new employees will increase engagement and allow them to become apart of your team.

Onboarding doesn’t have to be a difficult time and money waster. Using digital communication platforms like Beekeeper gives your company the ability to keep moving while your employees jump on the train.

Are you looking for an efficient tool to optimize your onboarding process? If so, submit the form below to learn more about Beekeeper!