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How to Support Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Your guide to building an inclusive company culture

Prioritizing diversity and inclusion in your business strategy is absolutely essential to securing your company’s future. While more businesses are making strides in this area, 57% of employees still want to see their company increase diversity.

As recent cultural movements continue to shine a spotlight on the importance of building a diverse workforce, executives and HR departments are seeking new, innovative ways to embrace diversity and inclusion in their companies. But the path from having the intention to do good and making the commitment to take action is not always so clear.

Are you looking for actionable steps you can take right now to support diversity at your workplace? Download our free guide to help you get started.

In this guide, you will learn how to:

  • Start your own ERG at your company
  • Enact inclusive hiring practices
  • Welcome a multilingual workforce into your organization

“For employees who speak a different language, posts are automatically and immediately translated into their respective languages. Diversity is an integral part of our corporate culture and another important step towards digitalization”

Rita Brunner, Deputy CFO, Keller-Frei AG