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Crisis Communication Checklist

As businesses around the world buckle in and brace themselves for the impact that the coronavirus pandemic will have on their operations, proper crisis management has become a necessity for company leadership. Yet only 54% of companies have a crisis plan in place. One of the most important actions that business leaders can take in the event of a global crisis event like COVID-19 is to quickly implement a plan to communicate company-wide updates. That’s why we’ve prepared this general checklist of internal communication tips to help you effectively communicate with your team during a crisis situation.

High turnover and low engagement continue to create challenges for frontline-majority businesses. In short, hourly shift workers want better pay, equitable treatment, and safer working conditions. If unmet, businesses run the risk of losing scores of essential workers.

In addition to providing bonuses, raises, flexible shifts, and more, companies are also re-evaluating health and safety conditions — particularly for essential workers. The nature of frontline work often comes with potential health and safety risks for employees.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Conduct a general risk assessment of your organization
  • Take steps to prepare your internal communications for an emergency situation
  • Convey the right messaging at the right time and measure the impact of your crisis communications plan

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Beekeeper is transforming the way frontline businesses work. Our mobile-first platform helps companies ditch paper and manual processes to improve employee engagement, retention, and performance.

Beekeeper is transforming the way frontline businesses work. Our mobile-first platform helps companies ditch paper and manual processes to improve employee engagement, retention, and performance.