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How to Analyze Employee Satisfaction Surveys

What are the indicators of a healthy and productive workplace? One area to measure is employee satisfaction. This has to do with factors such as how fulfilled your workforce feels with their role, recognition at the company, and whether they have the tools they need to succeed. Employee satisfaction surveys are a fantastic way to gauge and improve employee satisfaction.

Simply performing an employee satisfaction survey isn’t enough, however. You must properly understand and analyze the surveys correctly through a great business communication app.

With the Beekeeper employee app, you have the best HR tech at your fingertips with secure group messaging, unified communications, and workforce management.

Before You Begin Your Employee Satisfaction Surveys

To get started, you’ll first want to go back to the beginning when you were first creating this employee satisfaction survey. Try to remember why you started this process. What were the goals of the survey? What was the scope of this project in general? It’s important to keep these things in mind as you begin to analyze the data collected. Otherwise, you may find yourself reading something into the data that isn’t actually there.

You also need to know your goals for the employee satisfaction survey. Are you trying to measure things your employees like, things you can improve on, or collect new ideas? You don’t want to try to answer questions that weren’t actually asked. If you realize you missed asking a crucial question, make note of it. It can be included in the next survey, but it can’t be addressed with the current results.

Compile and Review Employee Feedback

All survey information should be gathered anonymously and prepared for a general review. You aren’t just reviewing the data, but also how it was collected and from whom. Consider which department respondents were from, how and when the survey was completed, and how many people actually responded as a whole. This review is necessary to ensure the data you collected is valuable and worth analyzing.

If there was a low response rate or a disproportionate response rate among various departments, the survey may need to be redone to ensure you’re getting accurate and valid results. Think about providing an incentive for employees to turn surveys in. That way you get more responses and a better idea of what employees want to voice.

Edit and Refine Data to Improve Workforce Management

Before diving into the analysis, data needs to be edited and cleaned up. This just means making sure the data is accurate and no mistakes are included, like the same employee filling out more than one survey or survey answers being counted multiple times. It may seem like an unnecessary step, but ensuring the data is clean before analyzing will give you the most accurate results possible!

Analyze Employee Engagement Using HR Tech

Now that you have valuable clean data, it’s time to start your analysis. First, evaluate the data and look for trends. These can show specific areas of concern and indicate where improvement may be needed. More detailed analysis can be done to evaluate the data, like cross-tabulation, filtering, and graphical analysis. If this isn’t the first survey, you can use previous surveys as benchmarks to compare the results. If this is the first survey, keep all data and subsequent analysis to be used in the future.

Hopefully your survey results in a treasure of data, and once it is interpreted and sorted into usable information it can be used to improve the workplace, employee communication, and overall employee satisfaction. After all, the point of these surveys is to understand what action needs to take place to improve employee satisfaction.

Download our “Real-Time Employee Feedback Checklist” to learn more.