Benchmark + Beekeeper

Elevate your employee experience

  • Top performing Benchmark properties use Beekeeper
  • Over 90% of Benchmark teams are activated on Beekeeper
  • 700+ Benchmark employees are connected and engaged daily

Reach and connect with associates

Engage your entire frontline staff with Beekeeper. Get the important conversations started for a better overall employee experience.

  • Send real-time direct and group chats
  • Announce company news and events
  • Share team awards and recognition
  • Provide two-way communication for better engagement and retention scores
  • Support bi-lingual communications with 40+ automated language translation for messages, posts and announcements

Build consistent experiences & intelligent, automated processes

Digitize processes for each stage of the employee lifecycle, daily shift communication, and operational procedures.

  • Automate welcome messages, micro-trainings, and FAQs for a seamless employee experience
  • Integrate with your existing HRIS, LMS, engagement tools, and more
  • Digitize paper forms to streamline approvals, notifications, processing and shift handovers